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Revision as of 15:40, 11 December 2010
Beachblogger (Talk | contribs)

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Beachblogger (Talk | contribs)
Bradley Manning
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==“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”== ==“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”==
 +is an egomaniac and a dangerous man, but I’d rather have him than totalitarianism.
 +==Bradley Manning==
 +An order to submit WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning to harsh and allegedly illegal treatment in prison apparently came from the upper echelons of the Marine Corps. According to military e-mails released to Manning’s defense, a three-star general was the force behind the marching orders to hold Manning as a maximum-custody detainee under prevention-of-injury watch, or POI — orders that resulted in severe conditions at the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Virginia, that left Manning isolated and repeatedly mistreated by his guards. Defense attorney David Coombs disclosed the contents of the e-mails in a post published on his blog on Friday. He did not publish the actual e-mails. Coombs called the treatment a “flagrant violation” of his client’s right to not be punished prior to trial and has filed a motion asking for the charges against Manning to be dismissed based on the allegedly unlawful treatment. “These e-mails reveal that the senior Brig officer who ordered PFC Manning to be held in MAX and in POI was receiving his marching orders from a three-star general,” Coombs wrote on his blog. “They also reveal that everyone at Quantico was complicit in the unlawful pretrial punishment, from senior officers to enlisted soldier.”
 +Bradley Manning Speaks About His Conditions.
==Rail== ==Rail==
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 +===Dec 2007===
 +BUSH Iraq war spread terrorism.
 +AQIM seeks to copy tactics used by Al-Qaida in Iraq and we expect in the future.
 +¶21. (C) In a country filled with corrupt schemes, the
 +diamond business in Zimbabwe is one of the dirtiest. Mining
 +in general remains the largest single source of foreign
 +exchange, but the potential of Chiadzwa is being lost to
 +Zimbabwean corruption. While Gono talks about using diamonds
 +to stabilize the Zimbabwean economy, he would only do so if
 +he thought he could personally make more in the process. At
 +present, police trying to bring order to Chiadzwa are
 +benefiting Zimbabwean officials who see the diamond field as
 +a new source of illegitimate income; the people of Zimbabwe
 +are seeing little return.
 +¶22. (C) It is also clear that Cranswick is a businessman
 +trying to find any pressure point he can through which to
 +leverage his own claim. At the same time, he sheds light on
 +an industry that is enriching many of the same old corrupt
 +Zimbabwean elite--and causing violence and deaths that so far
 +have received little attention. END COMMENT.
[[Category:BWTM]] [[Category:BWTM]]

Current revision


“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

is an egomaniac and a dangerous man, but I’d rather have him than totalitarianism.

Bradley Manning

An order to submit WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning to harsh and allegedly illegal treatment in prison apparently came from the upper echelons of the Marine Corps. According to military e-mails released to Manning’s defense, a three-star general was the force behind the marching orders to hold Manning as a maximum-custody detainee under prevention-of-injury watch, or POI — orders that resulted in severe conditions at the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Virginia, that left Manning isolated and repeatedly mistreated by his guards. Defense attorney David Coombs disclosed the contents of the e-mails in a post published on his blog on Friday. He did not publish the actual e-mails. Coombs called the treatment a “flagrant violation” of his client’s right to not be punished prior to trial and has filed a motion asking for the charges against Manning to be dismissed based on the allegedly unlawful treatment. “These e-mails reveal that the senior Brig officer who ordered PFC Manning to be held in MAX and in POI was receiving his marching orders from a three-star general,” Coombs wrote on his blog. “They also reveal that everyone at Quantico was complicit in the unlawful pretrial punishment, from senior officers to enlisted soldier.”

Bradley Manning Speaks About His Conditions.



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¶5. (S/NF) The port of Nacala in particular is believed to be a major recipient of narcotics from Southwest Asia. In July 2009, Celso Correia, who is a principal in Insitec, Ltd, (a company whose major shareholder is President Armando Guebuza-septel), was installed as head of the Northern Development Corridor (CDN) which includes the port of Nacala and the northern rail network. Shortly thereafter, Ghulam Rassul Moti, who has smuggled hashish and heroin into northern Mozambique since at least 1993 (Ref B) greatly reduced bribes to local Nacala and Nampula municipal authorities and made the payments instead directly to senior FRELIMO officials. Nampula Mayor Castro Serafim was reported to be particularly irritated that these monthly payments had been re-routed straight to higher-level FRELIMO leaders.


Dec 2007

BUSH Iraq war spread terrorism.

AQIM seeks to copy tactics used by Al-Qaida in Iraq and we expect in the future.


¶21. (C) In a country filled with corrupt schemes, the diamond business in Zimbabwe is one of the dirtiest. Mining in general remains the largest single source of foreign exchange, but the potential of Chiadzwa is being lost to Zimbabwean corruption. While Gono talks about using diamonds to stabilize the Zimbabwean economy, he would only do so if he thought he could personally make more in the process. At present, police trying to bring order to Chiadzwa are benefiting Zimbabwean officials who see the diamond field as a new source of illegitimate income; the people of Zimbabwe are seeing little return.

¶22. (C) It is also clear that Cranswick is a businessman trying to find any pressure point he can through which to leverage his own claim. At the same time, he sheds light on an industry that is enriching many of the same old corrupt Zimbabwean elite--and causing violence and deaths that so far have received little attention. END COMMENT.