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====Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia==== ====Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia====
 +Most Americans are not like Antonin Scalia. We just get The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times. We used to get the Washington Post, but it just … went too far for me. I couldn’t handle it anymore…It was the treatment of almost any conservative issue. It was slanted and often nasty. And, you know, why should I get upset every morning? I don’t think I’m the only one. I think they lost subscriptions partly because they became so shrilly, shrilly liberal. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2013/10/18/most-americans-are-not-like-antonin-scalia/?tid=pm_politics_pop
Justice Scalia says Thomas Jefferson was irrational. The 75-year-old Scalia said that today one can believe in a creator and the teachings of Jesus without being the brunt of too much ridicule, but that to hold traditional Christian beliefs that Jesus is God and He physically rose from the grave is to be derided as simple-minded by those considered leading intellectuals.... In Washington, Scalia said, the pundits and media couldn't believe in a miracle performed under their noses. "My point is not that reason and intellect need to be laid aside," Scalia said. "A faith without a rational basis should be laid aside as false. ... What is irrational is to reject a priori the possibility of miracles in general and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in particular." ThinkProgress's Ian Milhiser rightly observes, "the clear implication of Scalia's statement appears to be than all non-Christians -- or approximately two-thirds of the world's population -- are 'irrational.'" http://scienceblogs.com/tfk/2012/03/justice_scalia_says_thomas_jef.php Justice Scalia says Thomas Jefferson was irrational. The 75-year-old Scalia said that today one can believe in a creator and the teachings of Jesus without being the brunt of too much ridicule, but that to hold traditional Christian beliefs that Jesus is God and He physically rose from the grave is to be derided as simple-minded by those considered leading intellectuals.... In Washington, Scalia said, the pundits and media couldn't believe in a miracle performed under their noses. "My point is not that reason and intellect need to be laid aside," Scalia said. "A faith without a rational basis should be laid aside as false. ... What is irrational is to reject a priori the possibility of miracles in general and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in particular." ThinkProgress's Ian Milhiser rightly observes, "the clear implication of Scalia's statement appears to be than all non-Christians -- or approximately two-thirds of the world's population -- are 'irrational.'" http://scienceblogs.com/tfk/2012/03/justice_scalia_says_thomas_jef.php

Revision as of 18:55, 20 October 2013

fascist watch

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis



Road Hogs

Gary Wescott Monika Mühlebach Wescott oil huggers gas hogs road hogs terrorists love the Turtle Expedition

Koch brothers

Koch brothers now at heart of GOP power. The billionaire brothers' influence is most visible in the makeup of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where members have vowed to undo restrictions on greenhouse gases. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-koch-brothers-20110206,0,1681069.story

BP and Oil Companies

Rep. Joe Barton and oil industry have long history. The Texas Republican, who called the BP oil spill fund created at the White House's insistence a 'shakedown,' is among Washington's top recipients of industry donations. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-oil-barton-20100619,0,5554560.story?

Peace thru Torture







City Atty. Jan Goldsmith

San Diego jury acquits chalk protester in sidewalk graffiti case A San Diego jury acquits a graffiti protester who chalked anti-bank slogans on sidewalks. It's also a win for Mayor Bob Filner, who criticized the city attorney for prosecuting. Score one for Mayor Bob Filner in his continuing fight with City Atty. Jan Goldsmith — this time concerning Goldsmith's prosecution of a man who chalked protest messages on the sidewalk outside branches of Bank of America. Filner, who came of age politically as a civil rights activist in the 1960s, had called the legal case "stupid" and a waste of taxpayer money. Goldsmith had defended the case as a simple, and legally justifiable, prosecution of graffiti vandalism. On Monday, a Superior Court jury sided with the mayor — acquitting 40-year-old Jeffrey Olson of 13 misdemeanor counts filed by Goldsmith's office. Goldsmith said he respected the jury's verdict but noted that the case went to trial only because Olson refused an offer to have the charges reduced to an infraction by doing community service cleaning up graffiti. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-chalk-protester-20130702,0,5268242.story

Judge Howard Shore issued a gag order in the case, barring both sides from talking. Shore also prohibited Olson's attorney from using freedom of speech in his defense. http://www.10news.com/news/rally-held-to-show-support-for-jeff-olson-man-charged-in-chalk-vandalism-case-06292013

SAN DIEGO -- Chalk up the latest dispute between the mayor and city attorney to, well, chalk. Mayor Bob Filner on Friday told reporters that the city attorney's prosecution of a protester for chalking anti-bank slogans on city sidewalks outside Bank of America branches is "a stupid case" and a waste of city money. "It's chalk," Filner said in an exasperated tone. "It's water-soluble chalk. They were political slogans." City Atty. Jan Goldsmith, at odds with the mayor on a range of issues, defends the case against 40-year-old Jeff Olson as a legitimate prosecution for graffiti vandalism. Courts have held that graffiti remains illegal even if it can be easily washed off, Goldsmith said. That the Bank of America contacted the city attorney's office to reportedly urge prosecution has become part of the dispute. "We prosecute vandalism and theft cases regardless of who the perpetrator or victim might be," Goldsmith said. "We don't decide, for example, based upon whether we like or dislike banks. That would be wrong under the law." Olson does not deny writing the slogans. One slogan said, "No thanks, big banks." Another, "Shame on Bank of America." And in yet another, the bank was portrayed as an octopus grabbing at cash with its tentacles. Olson is charged with 13 misdemeanor counts. Still, jail time is exceedingly rare in graffiti cases, with most convictions resulting in a fine and/or community service. As Goldsmith noted, the case "is a graffiti case and nothing more." Filner's background may be instructive. He was a civil rights activist in the 1960s, a Freedom Rider in the Deep South, arrested and jailed in Mississippi. He is often distrustful of entrenched authority and large corporations. Earlier this year, Filner criticized the city attorney's prosecution of a pro-seal activist for removing a sign at the Children's Pool beach in La Jolla. As the chalk case approached trial, Filner sent a memo to Goldsmith calling it "an abuse of power that infringes on (the) 1st Amendment." At trial, however, Judge Howard Shore said Olson's lawyer could not invoke the 1st Amendment as a defense. As the dispute flared between the Democratic mayor and Republican city attorney, Shore imposed a gag order on all parties. The mayor, however, will not be gagged. "This is a nonsense prosecution and I will continue to say that," Filner said Friday. The case went to the jury late Friday. Deliberations are set to resume Monday. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-chalk-dispute-20130629,0,2268535.story

Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein


Why Sen. Feinstein Is Wrong About Who’s a “Real Reporter” https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/08/why-sen-feinstein-wrong-about-whos-real-reporter

many would call Feinstein a traitor to America

"It’s called betraying America," Feinstein said at a Capitol Hill news conference.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) fascist traitor aka Dianne Cheney

Instead, Feinstein failed horribly in the central obligation of a public servant to inform the public and now serves as prosecutor, judge and jury in convicting Snowden hours after his name was in the news: “He violated the oath, he violated the law. It’s treason,” she said. Treason is a word that dictators love to hurl at dissidents, and when both Cheney and Feinstein bring it back into favor, you know that courageous whistle-blowers like Snowden are not the enemy. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_good_germans_in_government_20130625/

people like Dianne Feinstein and Mitt Romney destroy American values.


Dear Senator Feinstein, This letter from the LAT is directed to you and I also ask these same questions. Questions: Does anyone dispute the fact the CIA has systematically tortured captives? Is there any reason to believe that members of the Senate Intelligence Committee had no knowledge of it? Hasn't torture long been a crime under both U.S. and international law? Why aren't those who authorized torture and the committee members who failed to stop it being prosecuted? And what's to prevent future cases of torture if today's perpetrators aren't prosecuted? http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/letters/la-le-1216-sunday-torture-movie-20121216,0,4521907.story

"While the Feinstein amendment may appear helpful by restoring due process for US citizens, it unfortunately creates a host of problems: it reinforced the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) in Afghanistan as a basis for domestic military detention; offered protections only to the people least likely to face domestic military detention; invited domestic military deployment in violation of posse comitatus; and endorses a regime of unequal rights for immigrants that could destabilize other rights over time." Many questions press on this issue: why are there repeated efforts by Congress to affirm the power of military detention of Americans? Why are Obama's lawyers drafting language that yet more broadly targets journalists and activists who might be subjected to military detention? And, just as importantly, why is this appalling and historic set of developments not front-page news in every newspaper in the land? http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/dec/05/feinstein-amendment-ndaa-assault-constitutional-rights

doofus http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/12/us/us-officials-say-petraeuss-affair-known-in-summer.html?hp

petty mindless thug

known associates and ties to torture

Department of State Legal Advisor Harold Hongju Koh: "I have never changed my mind [regarding targeted killings]. Not from before I was in the government -- or after." (Tara McKelvey, "Interview with Harold Koh, Obama's Defender of Drone Strikes," Daily Beast, April 8, 2012.) On the faculty of Yale Law School for a quarter century before joining the State Department, Koh in 2002 said the problem with the Bush administration's "legally undeclared war" was that it blurred the distinction between enemy combatants and other nonstate actors: "What factual showing will demonstrate that they had warlike intentions against us and who sees that evidence before any action is taken? Apparently, Koh is satisfied with the facts he has seen to justify the Obama administration's targeted killings -- and believes that only the Executive Branch should see such evidence. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/12/28/the_year_in_quotes?page=full


Feinstein is a strong supporter of the use of torture and targeted killing. She supported and promoted the war in Iraq along side George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch and David Petraeuss.

Harold Hongju Koh

John Yoo

Jay Bybee

Neo-conservitive Fascism

Military Fascists

Hate huggers

Did waterboarding work? Get over it: We'll never know for sure, and the question is no longer relevant. David H. Rittgers, a legal policy analyst at the Cato Institute, served three tours in Afghanistan as a Special Forces officer and continues to serve as a reserve judge advocate. The views expressed in this Op-Ed do not necessarily reflect those of the Defense Department or the Army. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-rittgers-waterboarding-20110531,0,7042313.story

Once you train a man to torture innocent civilians and authorize him to do that what crime won't he commit?

Police attacks

UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike uses pepper spray to move Occupy UC Davis protesters who were blocking officers' attempts to remove arrested protesters from the Quad on Friday afternoon. http://www.davisenterprise.com/media-post/ucd-police-remove-occupy-uc-davis-tents/attachment/occupyucd3/

Dumanis straddles net in hostess-deputy row. The ball is in the air, and it's possible, if not likely, that Shari Barman, the hostess of the Francine Busby fundraiser from hell, will serve up a civil rights lawsuit against the Sheriff's Department. If it's game on, the former professional tennis player's civil complaint will argue that Deputy Marshall Abbott violated Barman's right to privacy when, while answering a noise complaint, he walked uninvited through an open door into her spacious Cardiff home and forcibly arrested her after she questioned why he needed to know her birth date. Many readers have wondered why Barman, who's 60, didn't just offer her age after she had identified herself. In an interview at her home, Barman said: “It didn't make any sense to me. If he had asked me for my driver's license to verify that I was the person who lived at this address, that would have made sense to me. He would have had his date of birth.” As the violent events unfolded, Barman remembers wondering if she lived in a police state like Iran. Ernie Carrillo, president of the Deputy Sheriffs' Association, fired off a critical letter to Dumanis after the release of her report. http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/sep/07/dumanis-straddles-net-hostess-deputy-row/

Gen. Stanley McChrystal

Beware the military industrial complex

Why did Gen. Stanley McChrystal choose to dishonor our country?

Gen. Stanley McChrystal: the arch traitor. We need people to serve honorably, not people like McChrystal. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-01-23/stanley-mcchrystals-call-to-national-service/

CPT Jeffrey S. Porter

HUSSEIN'S VISIT TO AFGHANISTAN Hello everyone, As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram. As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake. In service, CPT Jeffrey S. Porter Battle Captain TF Wasatch American Soldier (married and father of 6 children)

"I am writing this to ask that you delete my email and not forward it. After checking my sources, information that was put out in my email was wrong. This email was meant only for my family. Please respect my wishes and delete the email and if there are any blogs you have my email portrayed on I would ask if you would take it down too. Thanks for your understanding."

I don't know who this captain saw, but it wasn't the Barack Obama I just saw in Afghanistan. Unlike most of the pols who breeze on through for nothing more than brief photo ops before leaving he was warm, friendly & engaging (as much as security would allow) with the troops he met and he was genuinely interested in us and our mission and how we could best serve our country. When Obama went to Jordan a few days ago they said "The guy gets it. Sharp, aware and a very good listener. He doesn't seem stuck in preconceived positions." Those are the qualities *I*'d like to see in my Commander in Chief. While Obama was out visiting the troops, what was John McCain doing ...?, playing golf with his rich cronies (Bush Sr.) in Kennbunkport and whining about how much press coverage Obama was getting. Definitely *not* the qualities I want to see in my Commander in Chief. Personally I think any officer who would publically gripe about not getting "thanked" for his service by a civilian is a disgrace to the military.

CPT Porter wasn't even there. He claims Obama went to play basketball with troops, which isn't true. Obama went to the Headquarters buildings to have meetings with the Generals and then he flew to meet soldiers at Jalalabad. CPT Porter lied and said that he played basketball with troops at Bagram, when fact of the matter is - is that he got this info from reading the newsheadlines that say he played bball in Kuwait. I met Sen Obama and I've also submitted photos of him in Afghanistan for you to view. He thanked me for my service and was forever grateful for the sacrifices me and my family are making while I am out here. I am disgusted to be serving alongside a liar like Captain Porter, I hope he gets court martialed for lying.



misc CA Fascists

Carly Fiorina, Vice Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. worse than BUSH.

Carly Fiorina disastrous failure

As we pause to remember the 68th anniversary of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, also known as , “a day that will live in infamy” – I am calling on Democrat Rep. Susan Davis, to immediately voice her support for the troops and for total victory in Afghanistan. Michael Crimmins is a 2010 U.S. Congressional Candidate for California’s 53rd District. Read more: http://www.sdnn.com/sandiego/2009-12-07/blog/a-more-perfect-union/a-call-for-rep-susan-davis-to-support-our-troops-and-the-wars

Joel Anderson

Joel Anderson: In the meantime, the best advice I can give to any law-abiding Californian wanting to protect their family and home would be to buy a gun, get a dog and install an alarm. http://santee.patch.com/blog_posts/buy-a-gun-get-a-dog-and-install-an-alarm

June 27, 2011- State Senator Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon) has introduced a bill to cut spending by eliminating the California Transportation Department (Caltrans). SB 851, would shift responsibilities for highway building and maintenance onto local cities and counties, also allowing local governments to outsource to private companies. Supporters say the bill would save money and cut waste. Opponents question whether public safety could be jeopardized, particularly in San Diego where a Grand Jury investigation found roadway conditions "appalling" and where local agencies have relied on Caltrans for quick highway repairs during wildfires and other disasters. http://www.eastcountymagazine.org/node/6560

Ruben Navarrette Jr.

Violence based on hate has to stop [WTF???] http://www.cnn.com/2009/OPINION/12/18/navarrette.civil.rights.prosecutions.shenandoah/index.html


Duncan Hunter

"Or, I mean, Hunter is not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like him?, and watch him suffer.”

Duncan Hunter is a prominent California Fascist. He is bought and paid for my the Military Industrial Complex. He is a political hack.

He represents only white, right wing Christian military contractors. The majority of his campaign money comes from outside the district. The district is gerrymandered to favor the republicans. The US/Mexico border is not in his district.


“Let’s resolve in the new year to end misguided efforts to create new laws that will cost even more jobs, whether it’s the cap-and-trade national energy tax, the government takeover of healthcare, 'card check,' or even more tax increases,” he said. Hunter’s remarks come the evening of the Senate passage of one the Democrats’ most pressing legislative items, healthcare reform legislation. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/73597-gop-resolves-to-keep-going-after-dem-agenda?page=1#comments

Duncan Hunter Calls New York Times Editorial on Detainee Abuse "Left Wing Rubbish". http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/duncan-hunter-calls-new-york-times-editorial

Duncan Hunter has also been the stalwart in the House when it comes to defending our Judeo-Christian values. He has sponsored legislation numerous times to provide the unborn with constitutional protection, most recently the Right to Life Act of 2007. His 100% lifetime rating from the National Right to Life group attests to his commitment. He has never wavered for a minute in his steadfast opposition to abortion, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, gay ‘marriage’, or the secularists’ agenda. He was and remains the strongest voice arguing against gays in the military, calling it a “liberal social experiment”. He has taken on the ACLU on numerous occasions, and played a pivotal role in saving the Mt. Soledad War Memorial Cross from their attempt to have it torn down. Hunter is running on his record and leadership. And that record includes exceptional marks from the organizations that make up the Reagan Coalition. The American Conservative Union gives Hunter a 92 lifetime score, which is higher than any other candidate in the race. The Christian Coalition and the Concerned Women of America gave Hunter perfect marks, as have the NRA and Gun Owners of America. Hunter earns an “excellent” rating from every single group that monitors illegal immigration, including FAIR and NumbersUSA. And perhaps most importantly, Hunter scores a 100% from the American Security Council (ASC), the security think tank that Reagan leaned on during his terms in office. Hunter was also selected to be the ASC’s president in 1989 and he chaired the House Armed Services Committee prior to the democrats regaining control in 2006. http://dhgrassrevolt.wordpress.com/

United Nations. Duncan Hunter: An organization of limited value and I would say whose military capability is always exaggerated - whose ability to project security forces in a hostile environment is always over-estimated. John Hawkins: New York Times. Duncan Hunter: ...Liberals who are often wrong, never unsure. (laughs) http://rightwingnews.com/interviews/duncanhunter.php


Looking back this week on the 10th anniversary of the recall, that should not be surprising. Although party leaders and the GOP establishment embraced Schwarzenegger -- actually, seized upon his candidacy like a drowning man hugging a life preserver -- the feeling was never mutual. The actor assembled his own team of strategists, separate from the state party’s, to wage his gubernatorial campaign and then plot his political moves once he took office. His ideological swerves -- zigzagging from moderation to the far right and back to the left -- ended up alienating Democrats and Republicans alike. And he made clear that the drudgery of party-building -- the rubber-chicken dinners, the grip-and-grin photographs with county chairmen, the sweet-talking recruitment of prospective candidates -- were not at all for him. To the contrary, Schwarzenegger was openly disdainful of his role as party leader. "I'm not elected to represent the Republicans," he said in an interview published by Washington Monthly magazine. "When I look at my pad of things that I want to accomplish every day, or every week, or every month ... it does not have on there anywhere to get more Republicans registered.... It's not something that I ever get up in the morning and say, 'This is my mission.'" http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/politicsnow/la-pn-how-arnold-schwarzengger-failed-to-rescue-republicans-20131011,0,4612167.story

the cyborgs are in charge. The election of Arnold Schwartzenegger to governor of California seems too broad for satire, and it's now lost to us forever as a throwaway joke in a short story. The Infinite Matrix asked a few SF writers, editors, and physicians for pithy comments, and this is what we got. Some are pithy, some not. http://www.infinitematrix.net/faq/editorials/gunn36.html

Arnold Schwarzenegger engaged in the worst kind of demagoguery after his election as governor in California's 2003 recall. Not only did he put on a dog-and-pony show around the state, smashing cars, but his reduction of the vehicle license fee cost California billions. In spite of his pledge to "cut up the credit cards," his mismanagement of the state led to massive borrowing. And, fortunately for us, his plan to "blow up the boxes" of state government by eliminating valuable consumer agencies came to naught. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/letters/la-le-1008-tuesday-schwarzenegger-davis-recall-20131008,0,5658780.story

Schwarzenegger and USC to establish porn collection. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/08/schwarzenegger-usc-partner-to-establish-political-think-tank.html

Arnold Schwarzenegger says his bodybuilding zeal put him in Austrian army brig "Rules don't apply to me." http://news.yahoo.com/arnold-schwarzenegger-says-bodybuilding-zeal-put-him-austrian-012151894--spt.html

Arnold Schwarzenegger Nixon hugger

By Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was Richard Nixon who brought me into the Republican fold. He was running for president, and I had recently arrived in California from Austria, which I'd left because the European socialist mentality wasn't big enough for my dreams. Growing up, I was surrounded by kids whose greatest ambition was to one day collect a pension. I didn't intend to spend my whole life dreaming about floating on a government safety net. One day, when Nixon was talking on the television, my liberal friend Artie translated bits of what he was saying. As I recall, he spoke about free enterprise, about less government and taxation, about the need for a strong military. I asked what party Nixon was from. Artie said he was an imbecile Republican. "Then I will be an imbecile Republican," I said. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-oe-schwarzenegger-gop-needs-to-be-more-inclusiv-20120506,0,178448.story

Arnold Schwarzenegger crack head

Arnold Schwarzenegger soiled his marriage and smeared his image, but he did it on his own time. What he did as governor was mess up the state, and that was while working for us. Out of office, Schwarzenegger harmed his family and himself. His philandering may be entertaining to people, but it's not their problem. However, Schwarzenegger's missteps as California's top elected official badly screwed up the state's finances. It affects us all — school kids, the needy, ordinary taxpayers. And that is very much our problem. I'm trying to keep the man's sins in perspective: Some merely are injurious to those he purports to love. Many are damaging to the state he was entrusted to lead. The former governor's unsound fiscal policies weakened the state. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-cap-budget-20110519,0,2476449.column

Schwarzenegger: puny man. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-0518-lopez-schwarzenegger-20110517,0,5372842.column

True Republican values. Maria Shriver left Arnold Schwarzenegger after learning he had fathered a child with a member of their household staff 10 years ago, before he took office. When Shriver found out, she asked him to move out, a source tells The Daily Beast’s Jacob Bernstein. But he refused. So she checked into a hotel. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-05-17/arnold-schwarzeneggers-love-child-bombshell-why-maria-shriver-left/

San Diego’s D.A. filed suit tonight to void Schwarzenegger’s commutation of the murder sentence of a political ally’s kid. Bruce Henderson remembers the night his son was almost killed. San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis today filed a civil lawsuit seeking to nullify ex-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's controversial commutation of the prison sentence of the son of a political ally, former state assembly speaker Fabian Nunez. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-05-11/arnold-pardoned-my-sons-attacker-schwarzeneggers-commutation-of-fabian-nunezs-son?cid=hp:mainpromo8

Schwarzenegger had little to say on the subject at the time. But in an interview in Newsweek this week, he finally acknowledged that his relationship with the elder Nuñez prompted his decision. "There's criticism out there," Schwarzenegger said. "I think it's just because of our working relationship and all that. It maybe was kind of saying, 'That's why he did it.' Well, hello! I mean, of course you help a friend." That's just about the worst possible explanation he could have given. It requires enormous chutzpah to acknowledge in such a blasé and self-satisfied way that he misused his executive clemency power — which exists to correct gross injustices — as a favor to a buddy. It's particularly galling from Schwarzenegger, who was known for being stingy when it came to clemency; during his entire tenure, he commuted only 10 sentences, of which Nuñez's was one. Our point is not that Nuñez deserved the sentence he got. That's open for debate. On the one hand, he had no criminal record, he didn't wield the knife that killed Santos, and he may have been misled about the nature of his plea deal. On the other hand, he and his friends were apparently out looking for a fight after being kicked out of a campus frat party, and according to prosecutors, Nuñez stabbed two other victims, who survived. He also allegedly destroyed evidence after the fact. Our point is about Schwarzenegger and his cavalier attitude about having misused his office. Political power is conferred by voters so that it can be used wisely and fairly on their behalf. It is not supposed to be used self-interestedly, or for financial or personal gain, or — well, hello, governor! — on behalf of politically connected cronies. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinionla/la-ed-nunez-20110421,0,3694274.story

Schwarzenegger told Newsweek that he knew the younger Nunez well, that he felt good about his decision, and that he acted because of his "working relationship" with the elder Nunez, a Democrat who frequently cooperated with the Republican governor in the Legislature. "Well, hello! I mean, of course you help a friend," Schwarzenegger said in the interview. A spokesman for the governor, Daniel Ketchell, did not return telephone and e-mail messages. "We don't have any comment on the governor's comments," said James Finefrock, a spokesman for the state attorney general's office. http://www.cbs8.com/story/14478456/schwarzenegger-says-commutation-was-to-help-friend

The father of murdered college student Luis Santos said he was insulted that Schwarzenegger made a snoring sound last week, when he was asked about his last-minute pardon for a politically-connected youth who assisted in the knifing homicide at a College-area fraternity party in 2008. "He's arrogant and insensitive," said Fred Santos, according to the Contra Costa Times newspaper in the Bay Area. Santos lives in the East Bay suburb of Concord. Schwarzenegger was getting an award in Hollywood Thursday night when reporter Dave Bryan of KCBS/KCAL in Los Angeles asked him about his pardon of Esteban Nunez, the son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles. The younger Nunez had been serving a 16-year sentence for voluntary manslaughter and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon when the governor cut the sentence short. On Thursday, with the L.A. stations' camera rolling, Bryant asked the governor about the flap. "Don't ask me the same question, OK, because otherwise you're boring the hell out of me," the former governor reportedly replied. When Bryan pressed the question, the governor made a snoring sound. http://www.sandiego6.com/news/local/story/Schwarzenegger-Snores-at-Commutation-Question/11ZxeqZlbUKVDYDCAGh7pQ.cspx?rss=800

"We hate your job," Schwarzenegger quoted family members as saying during his early years as governor when he would leave his Los Angeles home every Monday morning for the capital, Sacramento, and not return until the end of the week. "It was heartbreaking every time," said Schwarzenegger, a Republican who served as governor from 2003 until early this month. "In my second term of office, I did better. I tried to fly home every evening." Schwarzenegger wasted more energy in a month than I will use in my entire life. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110114/pl_nm/us_austria_schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger was inconsistent on clemency. The former governor reduced the prison sentence of a political ally's son but reversed the parole board's decision to free dozens of inmates involved in similar crimes. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-nunez-20110116,0,2463672.story

Schwarzenegger looks back on his seven years in Sacramento. California's outgoing governor, who replaced the recalled Gray Davis in 2003, defends his record but admits to errors that were key to his inability to fulfill the promise of ending the state's 'crazy deficit spending.' http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-schwarzenegger-legacy-20110102,0,3870155.story?page=1

Judgment Day: How Arnold Schwarzenegger might just have saved California. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2010/10/judgment-day/8216/

As a shining example of how to do it right, Takai pointed to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who she said had "used these communications channels with great success." Among the governor's dynamic use of social media: a video mocking state lawmakers for debating about cow tails, a picture of a smiley face made of fruit in his oatmeal, a photo of his Popeye-like biceps, and a video in which he brandished a big knife while proposing to cut the state budget. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/california-politics/2010/02/state-takes-aim-at-risks-of-twitter-bans-facebook-friends.html

Governor Schwarzenegger Should Wash his Mouth Out with Soap. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-ostertag/governor-schwarzenegger-s_b_394245.html

It reads like an innocuous letter from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, explaining why he vetoed a wonky piece of legislation that would have made changes to “infrastructure financing districts.” But hidden in Schwarzenegger’s text is another message: an obscene phrase apparently directed at the bill’s author, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), who ridiculed the governor earlier this month. The phrase, “F--- You,” is spelled out by the first letter of seven consecutive lines along the left margin. “My goodness, what a coincidence that it would say something along the left-hand margin,” said the governor’s spokesman, Aaron McLear. “But I suppose when you do so many vetoes, something like this is bound to happen.” http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009/10/innocuous-letter-or-gubernatorial-prank.html http://www.latimes.com/media/acrobat/2009-10/50117826.pdf

Schwarzenegger's prison reform burden. The Legislature's abysmal failure to ease inmate overcrowding shifts responsibility to the governor. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinionla/la-ed-prisons17-2009sep17,0,1126933.story

The fact is, Gov. Schwarzenegger was reckless on the way up. Even in the best of times, [he] was borrowing billions -- and he's been sadly incompetent on the way down. More than anything, I hurt for what's happening to students going to college, the poor working mothers. It would have been a tough go, but there's no reason it needed to be this bad. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-morrison12-2009sep12,0,1462693.story

Coffers Empty, California Pays With I.O.U.’s. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/03/us/03calif.html?pagewanted=1&ref=us

In doing so, Schwarzenegger has sent the message that he would rather allow the state to begin shutting down than let lawmakers push its troubles off for months by closing only part of the shortfall. The latter prospect could swallow up the rest of his governorship. "Whatever needs to be done," Schwarzenegger told reporters outside his Capitol office Friday when asked why he would be willing to delay payments to needy Californians. "I know that there is a history in this building of always being late with the budget, to drag it out and to kick that can down the alley. . . . I don't think we have this luxury this time." The governor readily admits that he sees the crisis as a chance to make big changes to government -- to "reform the system," he said Friday -- with proposals he has struggled to advance in the past. Among them: reorganizing state bureaucracy, eliminating patronage boards and curbing fraud in social services that Democrats have traditionally protected. The governor also would like to move past the budget crisis to reach a deal on California's water problems that has so far eluded him. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arnold28-2009jun28,0,2038455.story

Darrell Issa

Kurt Bardella is not a guy you can easily root for. He activates your radar and not in a good way. He laughs too much and too loud. He hangs out in cigar bars. When he talks with you, you suspect you are being worked. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/07/magazine/how-to-win-in-washington.html

Issa’s Missing Testimony. Why won’t the right-wing congressman release the full transcript of his IRS investigation? All right, let’s get back to the IRS. While everyone was focused on the Edward Snowden revelations, we had an interesting development in the IRS matter that throws another several gallons of ice-cold water on Darrell Issa’s alleged case against the Obama administration—and that raises some interesting questions about how Issa and his staff are using the information they have obtained. Republicans have been hoping to ride this horse into 2014 and beyond, but it may be ready for the glue factory already. But lo and behold there were other bits, and a clearly miffed Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on Issa’s committee, released some of those the other day. And what did that include? The testimony of a self-described “conservative Republican” in the Cincinnati office who told the committee he had “no reason to believe” that there was any White House involvement in the whole business. There was a memo Cummings made public Monday in which the employee said the above, as well as attesting that he did not believe “that the screening of [Tea Party] cases had anything to do other than consistency and identifying issues that needed to have further development.” His clotted rhetoric speaks to his 21 years as a civil servant, but his meaning and intention are clear enough. To this conservative Republican, there was no political agenda at work in Cincinnati. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/06/12/issa-s-missing-testimony.html

Darrell Issa close friend and mentor Diane Feinstein

Almost a year into his term as chairman, Issa has produced no headline-grabbing investigation capable of putting the White House on the defensive or, for that matter, causing so much as a flutter of indigestion for the president. The congressman's efforts to probe everything from Homeland Security to Obamacare have failed to create the media buzz that might catapult the California representative to GOP hero status—and maybe even a spot on the national ticket as a vice presidential candidate. Who knew that the freshman tea party members were going to suck all of the oxygen from the halls of Congress and leave Chairman Issa gasping for air? http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/09/darrell-issa-house-oversight-chairman

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) today chaired his first committee hearing on oversight of the administration. Issa has promised literally hundreds of hearings to “investigate” the Obama administration for what he says is an ideological and/or methodological “corruption” of the process of government. But the first hearing, to examine the management of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), was rough going, as he unilaterally decided to deny the ranking Democratic committee member an opening statement. Issa has openly suggested his hearings are part of a concerted strategy by the new Republican majority to use their subpoena power to create a political climate of popular displeasure with the policies of the current administration and to lay the groundwork for the party’s campaign in 2012. Some observers have suggested that Issa himself should be investigated, along with the new Republican leadership, for this deliberate and declared misuse of the subpoena power. http://www.casavaria.com/cafesentido/2011/01/26/7293/darrell-issa-bars-democratic-statement-at-hearing-on-tarp/

Don’t Look Back. Darrell Issa, the congressman about to make life more difficult for President Obama, has had some troubles of his own. Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/01/24/110124fa_fact_lizza

Issa's Alleged Criminal Past. http://mediamatters.org/research/201101110034

ISSA knows corruption from the inside. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wants the oil industry, drug manufacturers and other trade groups and companies to tell him which Obama administration regulations to target this year. The incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee - in letters sent to more than 150 trade associations, companies and think tanks last month - requested a list of existing and proposed regulations that would harm job growth. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/05/darell-issa-obama-corrupt_n_804922.html

Darrell Issa's trash talk about Barack Obama being "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times" is just that: trash talk. It's gaining him the spotlight, and now that he's got it he's going to pursue a fairly ordinary investigatory agenda: http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2011/01/darrell-issas-agenda

Issa said he plans to lead bipartisan investigations on food and drug safety, as well as Medicare fraud. "We can save $125 billion in simply not giving out money to Medicare recipients that don't exist for procedures that didn't happen," Issa said on CBS's "Face the Nation." "These are real dollars. Ten percent of the deficit goes out in wasted money - money that doesn't get one person health care in Medicare." On the CNN show, Issa said: "When I look at waste, fraud and abuse in the bureaucracy and in the government, this is like steroids to pump up the muscles of waste." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/02/AR2011010201493.html

What really concerns me about Mr. Issa’s character is his conduct several years ago when he stood on the United States border one morning with TV cameras rolling and his catching about 50 students from Mexico entering the United States to attend Mountain Empire schools. Mr. Issa’s congressional district does not include the Mountain Empire School District. His position of congressman is not a state office. The school is a state entity. Mr. Issa committed this publicity stunt for his own radical-right politics and he hurt many children in the process. He hurt children who were legally attending school in the Mountain Empire School District as the district lost a lot of state money because of his lack of character. http://www.sdcitybeat.com/sandiego/article-8514-lame.html

As a sign of the pride Representative Darrell Issa takes in annoying the Obama administration, consider his account of a recent exchange with Rahm Emanuel, a former congressman and now the White House chief of staff. In describing the episode — a chance encounter outside the House gym — Mr. Issa smirked and raised his middle finger. “That’s the only thing Rahm did when he saw me,” Mr. Issa, a California Republican, boasted in an interview in his House office. He waved the unfriendly digit in the air like a trophy before folding it into a nub (to mimic Mr. Emanuel, who lost part of his finger in a long-ago meat-cutting accident). More annoying? Mr. Emanuel, through a spokeswoman, said the incident did not occur. Every Congress seems to produce a designated pest, adept at drawing attention to nuisance issues (and his nuisance self) while making trouble for the other party when it controls the White House. Representative Henry A. Waxman, Democrat of California, played that role during the Bush administration, while Representative Dan Burton, Republican of Indiana, did it before him in the Clinton years. Now comes Mr. Issa, 57, who was charged with two long-ago auto thefts before eventually making a fortune selling car alarms; his signature product, the Viper, features his own deep voice ordering would-be burglars to “please step away from the car.” Mr. Issa’s voice has become inescapable, and not just among car thieves. He has been shouting forth on matters high-profile (the administration’s response to the BP oil spill) and obscure (a possible conflict involving a member of the National Labor Relations Board). http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/07/us/politics/07issa.html?_r=1

Credibility: Darrell Issa’s Problem. In 1972, Issa was convicted of “Possession of an Unregistered Handgun,” the second time that year he was arrested on weapons charges. In 1982, he was a suspect in an arson fire at a Ohio manufacturing plant he owned. Just weeks prior to the fire, Issa had greatly beefed up his fire insurance protection on the plant. http://obrag.org/?p=21756

For Republicans, impeachment isn't a joke. When Darrell Issa compares the Sestak affair with Watergate, he is expressing a persistent Republican strain. http://www.salon.com/news/joe_sestak/index.html?story=/opinion/conason/2010/05/28/impeach

Top 10 Darrell Issa Hall of Shame Moments http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/001007.htm

Prius inquiry takes a detour. Rift over involvement of a congressman's aide in the runaway Toyota case in San Diego County causes an hours-long delay. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-toyota-prius11-2010mar11,0,7982827.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29

What’s Issa up to? About “Issa on the prize” [“The Front Lines,” Feb. 17]: As stated in the article, Issa proposes that employers who don’t provide health insurance be required to pay a higher “living wage”; also, he wants a bill that would include health-insurance coverage in unemployment benefits. I’d like to think that he’s sincere, but to to paraphrase the crazy “woman in red” at a McCain event in 2008, I don’t trust him because he’s—he’s an Arab. OK, I’m being facetious. I’m not sure if Issa is an Arab. But he is of Lebanese descent and is certainly closer to being an Arab than Obama is; thus, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to illustrate right-wing hypocrisy. As for why I really don’t trust Issa—consider that he initiated the Gray Davis recall in an attempt to get himself elected governor, and he has been a major player in the ACORN witch hunt. As for health care, what Issa proposes sounds an awful lot like socialism, government as the solution and spreading the wealth around—not exactly Issa’s calling card. There has to be a catch. http://www.sdcitybeat.com/cms/story/detail/this_week_s_feedback/9032/

why was gray davis recalled? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_gubernatorial_recall_election,_2003


Why the Bid to Recall Governor Gray Davis Is the Wrong Response to California's Budget Crisis. http://writ.news.findlaw.com/aronson/20030820.html

Young conservative activist Hannah Giles speaks in Santa Barbara. The 20-year-old who rocked ACORN with a series of secret videos addresses college students about guerrilla warfare. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-young-conservatives15-2009nov15,0,1837509.story

Breitbart burns Beck, Dobbs, right-wing media with false claim of "Community Organizers Pray[ing] TO" Obama. http://mediamatters.org/research/200909290055

video of Darrell Issa praying to Glen Beck here

Evidence undermines videographers' claims that they were not rebuffed at any ACORN office. http://mediamatters.org/research/200909240037

Picking on ACORN. There's no evidence of wrongdoing to support the California Republican Party's call for an audit of group's voter registration efforts. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-ed-acorn25-2009sep25,0,6674451.story

The ten most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm Darrell Issa, from Congress and I'm here to help.'

Darrell Issa isn't the solution, Darrell Issa IS the problem.

We need to shrink Darrell Issa down to the size where we can drown him in the kitchen sink.

In dark days ACORN moves forward. http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/sep/25/acorn925/

States aim at ACORN, but little money at stake. http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/sep/23/us-acorn-states-092309/

County won't investigate ACORN. Group fired worker from National City. Prior to the November election, ACORN organizers submitted nearly 40,000 voter-registration cards to state elections officials. Approximately 26,000 of those originated in San Diego County. County Registrar of Voters Deborah Seiler told supervisors that about 4,800 of those were thrown out because they were incomplete, illegible or otherwise invalidated. Seiler said she requested help from the Secretary of State's Office to determine the legitimacy of 76 other questionable registration cards. Seiler told the supervisors yesterday that she never heard back. A spokeswoman at the Secretary of State's Office said recommendations for prosecution are forwarded to local or state prosecutors without alerting complainants. A District Attorney's Office spokesman said yesterday the case was being evaluated. http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/sep/23/county-wont-investigate-acorn/

ACORN, lies and videotape. http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/sep/25/acorn-lies-and-videotape/?opinion&zIndex=171817

House strips ACORN funds -- Join the fight. Taxpayers won a major victory yesterday. A motion I offered on the floor of the House of Representatives to completely strip ACORN of ALL federal funding passed overwhelmingly. ACORN is just one corporate entity. There are literally thousands of entities that are similar to ACORN. While we won a major victory today, we cannot celebrate for long. The 75 members of Congress who voted to continue funding ACORN will continue to fight to move the 8.5 Billion dollars that was available to ACORN to new and existing organizations like it. Like the snake that grows a new head or the whack-a-mole game, ACORN will disappear and its organizers will appear again tomorrow at a new organization seeking federal funding. You can make a difference today by helping me defeat the politicians who look the other way when a motivated interest group in Congress repeatedly spends your tax dollars to fund criminal and fraud ridden entities like ACORN. By contributing to my campaign, you’ll be supporting candidates who will not only fight against ACORN, but will fight to prevent any organization like ACORN from ever receiving your tax dollars again.

The following is a poem written for a town hall meeting in Vista, California. The author is not a writer, but a business major. She is not paid and says she´s part of the "we the people." What caught my eye is Terri caught the ear of every person in the standing-room only high school gymnasium. She wasn´t a Democrat or Republican, she was a "we the people," wanting her Congressmen, Duncan Hunter and Darrell Issa to bring some honestly and forthrightness back to the greatest country that God created – the United States of America. http://www.worldsentinel.com/articles/view/117698

As summer winds down and the lawmakers begin to make their way back to Washington D.C. for the fall, Terri Linnell, the poem lady, had a few parting words... http://www.examiner.com/x-10317-San-Diego-County-Political-Buzz-Examiner~y2009m9d6-Poem-lady-shares-words-with-Oceanside-Tea-Party

Populist label isn't for everyone in Congress. But there was one thing that did seem to concern Issa. One word he didn't want associated with his name. One word that would not mesh well with the fact that Issa may be the wealthiest member of the House, or just behind Rep. Jane Harman. Issa's net worth has been conservatively listed as $160 million, but financial disclosure reports indicate he could be worth as much as $677 million. So please, whatever you do, do not call him a populist, even though many bailout opponents proudly wear that label. “Yes, it was a popular thing to do,” he said of his “no” vote. “But I certainly am not a populist. I care about the businesslike activities. I care about getting the banking system running properly again.” Issa may be just about the only politician this year who doesn't want to be called a populist. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20081005/news_1n5condon.html

John McCain

McCain pushes heavier U.S. involvement in Libya. http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/04/22/mccain.libya/

John McCain, in Libya, calls for more airstrikes and weapons aid for rebels John McCain, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, urges U.S. recognition of the opposition leadership in Benghazi 'as the legitimate voice of the Libyan people.' What would the Gadhafi's departure mean? "It means one of three things," McCain said. "He joins Hugo Chavez in Venezuela or he goes to International Criminal Court, which is my preference, or he joins Hitler and Stalin." http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/africa/la-fg-libya-mccain-20110423,0,4808253.story?track=rss

McCain just keeps echoing the vitriol in his statements. I am horrified; a wicked person; they are a disgrace; will receive the contempt; the strongest punishment of the law.

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) made the following statement regarding the untimely passing of Chief Judge John Roll: “I am deeply saddened to hear that Chief Judge John Roll was killed today during the senseless act of violence against Congresswoman Giffords and other Arizonans. Words are inadequate to express such a profound loss to his family, friends, state and country, but it is appropriate to note that a man of great qualities and character was struck down today, and the wickedness of this atrocity, which included the murder of a small child, has broken the hearts of many and will be mourned for years to come. I am proud to have recommended Judge Roll to President Bush for the federal bench in 1991 and have been extremely proud of his work on the bench since then. I am most proud to have called him a friend. Judge Roll dedicated his life to public service and was admired by many for his integrity, kindness and love for the law, for the state of Arizona and our country. He began his career as a bailiff in the Pima County Superior Court and was at his death the Chief Judge for the District of Arizona since 2006. He distinguished himself in every office he held. He will be missed very much. Cindy and I are praying for his soul and for his beloved wife and children and the families of all the victims in this terrible moment of sorrow. Our state has lost a good man, a true and able advocate for justice for all and a great Arizonan. May God grant him perpetual peace.”

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) made the following statement regarding the horrifying attack at an event for U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) in Tucson, Arizona: “I am horrified by the violent attack on Representative Gabrielle Giffords and many other innocent people by a wicked person who has no sense of justice or compassion. I pray for Gabby and the other victims, and for the repose of the souls of the dead and comfort for their families. I beg our loving Creator to spare the lives of those who are still alive, heal them in body and spirit, and return them to their loved ones. Whoever did this; whatever their reason, they are a disgrace to Arizona, this country and the human race, and they deserve and will receive the contempt of all decent people and the strongest punishment of the law.”

John McCain "If the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms insists upon a firefight, give them a firefight. Just remember, they're wearing flak jackets and you're better off shooting for the head." When the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms thugs come to kill your wife and children, to try to disarm you and they open fire on you. When they come at the point of a gun, force and violence, when you're going to defend yourself, use that Gerand [M-1 rifle]. That thing is 30-06, and it'll take 'em right out. And yes, aim for the head. http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-mood19-2008oct19,0,6882411.story

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. http://www.nationalreview.com/coulter/coulter.shtml

Arch Traitor Sandra Day O’Connor

Sandra Day O’Connor said. “It’s fun to be part of a group of activist judges who decide which side the ball falls on. We are more powerful than the public. The constitution is just a scrap of paper to us.”

Arch Traitor Sandra Day O’Connor disappointed that public disapproves of traitors. Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said in an interview aired Sunday that the American public's diminishing approval of the nation’s highest court is a "a great disappointment to me." "In the past, when the public is asked about three branches of government, the judicial branch has had the highest respect," O’Connor told Bob Schieffer on CBS's "Face the Nation." "Now it’s the same for all, it’s all down. It’s a great disappointment to me." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/05/sandra-day-oconnor-supreme-court_n_1744056.html

Supremes on Defense. Justice Stephen Breyer and retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor joined forces at the Aspen Ideas Festival to back up embattled colleague Clarence Thomas—and the 5-4 decision that handed George W. Bush the presidency in 2000. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/06/29/supreme-court-justices-defend-thomas-bush-v-gore-at-aspen-ideas-festival.html

Virginia Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas

Between 2003 and 2007, Thomas' wife, Virginia, received $686,589 in compensation from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, but the justice wrongly checked the box marked "none" on the question related to spousal income. Thomas says his omission resulted from a misunderstanding of the reporting requirement, and he has since amended his answers. But the situation is peculiar: How could a Supreme Court justice, who must pay attention to the nuances of complicated legal cases, misread instructions on a disclosure form? http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinionla/la-ed-thomas-20110916,0,2326086.story

Cruel but Not Unusual Clarence Thomas writes one of the meanest Supreme Court decisions ever. http://www.slate.com/id/2290036

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas – his impartiality under attack from liberals because of his attendance at a meeting of conservative donors sponsored by the Koch brothers and his wife’s tea party activism – struck a defiant tone in a Saturday night speech in Charlottesville, Va., telling a friendly audience that he and his wife “believe in the same things” and “are focused on defending liberty.” Delivering the keynote speech at an annual symposium for conservative law students, Thomas spoke in vague, but ominous, terms about the direction of the country and urged his listeners to “redouble your efforts to learn about our country so that you’re in a position to defend it.” Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0211/50277.html

No Argument: Thomas Keeps 5-Year Silence. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/13/us/13thomas.html

Clarence Thomas failed to report wife's income, watchdog says. Virginia Thomas earned over $680,000 from conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation over 5 years, a group says. But the Supreme Court justice did not include it on financial disclosure forms. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-thomas-disclosure-20110122,0,2413407.story

Virginia Thomas apparently stepping down from 'tea party' group. The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is going to 'take a back seat' at the conservative nonprofit she founded. The group's partisan tone has drawn criticism from legal ethics experts. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-ginni-thomas-20101116,0,3278064.story

In the wake of news that Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, recently contacted Anita Hill, the woman behind a sexual harassment scandal that almost derailed the Justice during his confirmation hearings, Thomas's ex-girlfriend is now seeking to enter the fray with serious new allegations about his demeanor in the years before the Hill controversy. In an interview with the Washington Post, Lillian McEwen says Hill's allegations fit a pattern: "He was always actively watching the women he worked with to see if they could be potential partners," McEwen told the Post, adding that he was particularly "partial to women with large breasts" and even would ask woman about their bra size. "He was obsessed with porn," McEwen also said of Thomas, a claim that is particularly relevant to Hill's allegations that the then-chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had repeatedly relayed scenes from pornographic movies to her. "He would talk about what he had seen in magazines and films, if there was something worth noting," McEwen continued. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/22/lillian-mcewen-clarence-thomas-ex-girlfriend_n_772302.html

In 1994, Florence Graves cleared up those mysteries in The Washington Post, revealing the intricate -- and bipartisan -- behind-the-scenes maneuvering by several Senate Judiciary Committee members to discourage the testimony of Angela Wright, a woman whose information could have helped corroborate Anita Hill's allegations against Clarence Thomas. The article uncovered a surprising unwritten agreement among top Republicans and Democrats not to call Wright, apparently because they feared either that her testimony would create even greater political chaos or that it would doom Thomas' nomination. It also uncovered evidence suggesting that Thomas lied to the Committee. Several senators -- including then-Republican Senator Arlen Specter (Pa.), then-Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.), and other key players -- told Graves they believed that if Wright had testified, Thomas would not have been confirmed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/schuster-institute-for-investigative-journalism/news-flashback-anita-hill_b_771697.html

In a voice mail message left at 7:31 a.m. on Oct. 9, a Saturday, Virginia Thomas asked her husband’s former aide-turned-adversary to make amends. Ms. Hill played the recording, from her voice mail at Brandeis University, for The New York Times. “Good morning Anita Hill, it’s Ginni Thomas,” it said. “I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband.” Ms. Thomas went on: “So give it some thought. And certainly pray about this and hope that one day you will help us understand why you did what you did. O.K., have a good day.” Ms. Hill, in an interview, said she had kept the message for nearly a week trying to decide whether the caller really was Ms. Thomas or a prankster. Unsure, she said, she decided to turn it over to the Brandeis campus police with a request to convey it the Federal Bureau of Investigation. “I thought it was certainly inappropriate,” Ms. Hill said. “It came in at 7:30 a.m. on my office phone from somebody I didn’t know, and she is asking for an apology. It was not invited. There was no background for it.” In a statement conveyed through a publicist, Ms. Thomas confirmed leaving the message, which she portrayed as a peacemaking gesture. She did not explain its timing. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/20/us/politics/20thomas.html

John R. Bolton

John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the UN and vocal critic of the Obama administration, is often sought after by the media for his opinion on foreign policy issues, but his stake in the presidential election -- as a foreign policy adviser to Mitt Romney -- is rarely, if ever, disclosed by the outlets that publish him. In addition to editorials in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and appearances on Fox News that left Bolton's ties to Romney undisclosed, a Media Matters review found editorials in five additional publications written or co-written by Bolton that left out that key information. In total, Bolton wrote seven editorials that were critical of Obama's policies for The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Examiner, The Weekly Standard and the National Review after he became affiliated with the Romney campaign. None of those op-eds identified Bolton as a member of the Romney team. However, three of those outlets -- the Times, Monitor, and the Examiner -- have reported separately on Bolton's position in the campaign. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2012/09/21/john-bolton-the-medias-favorite-undisclosed-rom/190060

John Bolton is classic neocon wacko. Bolton has been a strong critic of the United Nations for much of his career. In a 1994 Global Structures Convocation hosted by the World Federalist Association (now Citizens for Global Solutions), he stated, “There is no such thing as the United Nations. There is only the international community, which can only be led by the only remaining superpower, which is the United States." He also stated that "The Secretariat building in New York has 38 stories. If you lost ten stories today, it wouldn't make a bit of difference." ” Both Bolton's opponents and his supporters have used the same video of his remarks at the 1994 event in support of their points of view. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_R._Bolton#Views_on_the_United_Nations

Bolton is the anti-diplomacy diplomat.

Jonah Goldberg

Goldberg is a neo-partisan: a fresh perspective to the typical right-left debate, by rejecting party lines

Jonah Goldberg is one of the most prominent young conservative journalists on the scene today. His column, syndicated by Tribune Media Services, offers shrewd analysis on a wide range of subjects, from political philosophy and economic trends to popular culture, with an entertaining writing style that speaks to a whole new generation.

With keen wit and hard-hitting insight, Goldberg brings a fresh perspective to the typical right-left debate, by rejecting party lines, talking points and stale clichés. He is the 2001 winner of the prestigious Lowell Thomas Award.

Goldberg's columns and articles have rapidly generated a large readership. A member of the USA Today Board of Contributors, Goldberg is a contributing editor for National Review and founding editor of "National Review Online," for which he writes a popular feature, "The Goldberg File." He is a former columnist and contributing editor for Brill's Content and former media critic for The American Enterprise. He also served as Washington columnist for the Times of London. Goldberg has written about politics and culture for the New Yorker, the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, the Public Interest, the Wilson Quarterly, the Weekly Standard, Slate, TheStreet.com, New York Post, Women's Quarterly and Food and Wine.

Goldberg has appeared on "Good Morning America," "Larry King Live," "Today," "Nightline," "Hardball with Chris Matthews," "Politically Incorrect," "Special Report with Brit Hume," "Geraldo," "NBC Nightly News" and numerous other television and radio programs. He was senior producer of the award-winning series "Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg" on PBS.

Taking liberties. Once again, personal choices are under attack by good-for-you government. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-op-goldberg20jan20,0,3367747.column?coll=la-opinion-center


Red light on 'green' energy. Re "America's 'green' quagmire," Opinion, Aug. 23, If Jonah Goldberg wants to know why green energy has not advanced further, he need look no further than the mirror. Conservatives have dug in their heels for years, preventing a comprehensive push for sustainable energy. There are still big profits to be made from leveling mountaintops for coal and destroying huge areas for the natural gas. For the sake of Goldberg's 8-year-old daughter and my 8-year-old grandson, couldn't we at least remove the tax and policy supports for fossil fuels and see whether efficiency and innovation can compete and provide a more sustainable future? Grace Bertalot Anaheim

Goldberg apparently believes that the answer to global warming is to do nothing — or, more accurately, let the invisible hand of the market take care of it, which amounts to the same thing. In fact, the market is busily digging the carbon hole deeper. He suggests that ever since Jimmy Carter, government has been pushing the green agenda. If only that were true. Carter's farsighted policies died with his presidency. After 12 years of Republican leadership, the Clinton-Gore administration made promising noises that were quickly dashed by the politics Goldberg represents. So here we are, with all the politicians still scared of their (dirty-energy lobbyist) shadows. Don't buy any beachfront property for your retirement home, Mr. Goldberg. Curtis Horton, Pasadena http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/letters/la-le-0828-sunday-20110828,0,4827757.story

Jonah Goldberg is not a popular man among liberals. The son of Lucianne Goldberg, the literary agent who played a pivotal role in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, he already had that as a strike against him when he began his career as a conservative political commentator in the late 1990s. A writer and blogger for the National Review and a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, he's now a frequent target for the mockery of liberal bloggers. But nothing has inspired the ire of liberals quite like Goldberg's new book, "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning." There was the provocative cover, which adds a Hitler mustache to the familiar yellow smiley-face icon. Then there was the book's ever-changing subtitle. Originally "The Totalitarian Temptation From Mussolini to Hillary Clinton," it became "The Totalitarian Temptation From Hegel to Whole Foods," before landing on bookstore shelves in its current form. In the book, Goldberg attempts to convince readers that six decades of conventional wisdom that have placed Italy's Benito Mussolini, Germany's Adolf Hitler and fascism on the right side of the ideological spectrum are wrong, and that fascism is really a phenomenon of the left. Goldberg also attributes fascist rhetoric and tactics to Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and describes the New Deal's descendants, modern American liberals, as carriers of this liberal-fascist DNA. In a sense, "We're All Fascists Now," as Goldberg puts it in one of his chapter titles. Salon spoke with Goldberg by phone. So anyway, I'm sorry -- my definition of fascism I get in large chunks from Eric Voegelin, the political philosopher. He wrote this book "The Political Religions," and I see fascism as a political religion. That doesn't mean I think there's some book, like a bible, that if you read it you will become a convert to this political religion. Rather I think it is a religious impulse that resides in all of us -- left, right, black, white, tall, short -- to seek unity in all things, to believe that we need to all work together to go past any of our disagreements and that the state needs to be, almost simply as a pragmatic matter, the pace-setter, the enforcer of this cult of unity. That is what I believe fascism is. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/01/11/goldberg

The right’s favorite lightning rod doesn’t bother defending herself against critics. That job falls to Rebecca Mansour, an ex-Hollywood screenwriter with sharp teeth. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-01-19/sarah-palins-attack-dog-meet-rebecca-mansour/

High Jinks to Handcuffs for Landrieu Provocateur. He and three other men — including a 24-year-old associate, Joseph Basel, who was interviewed alongside Mr. O’Keefe by the Web site — were arrested and charged with a federal felony, accused of seeking to tamper with the office telephone system of Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana. Two of them were impersonating repairmen in the senator’s New Orleans office and were caught after being asked for identification. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/31/us/politics/31landrieu.html?pagewanted=1&ref=us

In college, Stan Dai co-wrote a satirical work entitled The Penis Monologues, apparently a takeoff on the Vagina Monologues. Here's a taste: My Angry Penis MY PENIS IS ANGRY!!!!!!! You want to know what happened to my penis? Joan happened to my penis! There I was, sleeping peacefully when Joan stormed in and dragged me out for "an educational program." I thought was going to see Mr. Rogers! But nooooooo! It turned out to be the "Whine-gina Monologues!" http://mediamatters.org/blog/201001260052

Jonah Goldberg: His low-blow attack on McCain's supposed lack of computer literacy only preaches to the liberal choir.

Jonah Goldberg: fascist traitor hates America wants to destroy our country.

Evolution of religious bigotry. The cowardice and intolerance of slapping a Darwin fish on your car bumper. I find Darwin fish offensive. First, there's the smugness. The undeniable message: Those Jesus fish people are less evolved, less sophisticated than we Darwin fishers. The hypocrisy is even more glaring. Darwin fish are often stuck next to bumper stickers promoting tolerance or admonishing random motorists that "hate is not a family value." But the whole point of the Darwin fish is intolerance; similar mockery of a cherished symbol would rightly be condemned as bigoted if aimed at blacks or women or, yes, Muslims. Jonah Goldberg is really a nut. Wow, he is so sensitive to any criticism. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-goldberg1apr01,0,6791728.column

Fascism and Democracy http://jtaplin.wordpress.com/2008/02/23/fascism-and-democracy/

Neoconservatism & Fascism-A Reply to Jonah Goldberg http://jtaplin.wordpress.com/2008/02/25/neoconservatism-fascism-a-reply-to-jonah-goldberg/#more-278

Karl Rove’s American Crossroads

“Heather Wilson's decision to campaign with Karl Rove shows that nothing has changed since she was named one of Congress' most corrupt members by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington in 2007," said Shripal Shah, with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. During the 2007 investigation into whether the team at the Bush White House (including Rove) ordered the politically motivated firings of several U.S. attorneys, Rove alleged that then-Rep. Wilson asked him to boot New Mexico federal prosecutor David Iglesias because he moved too slowly in a case against a Democrat. Wilson denied Rove's claims, but Iglesias also said at the time that Wilson pressured him directly. Wilson only admitted to calling Iglesias for an update. The scandal prompted Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington to file complaints over the behavior with the House ethics committee and name Wilson one of the most corrupt members of Congress. "She still epitomizes the Republican culture of corruption to the fullest and her ties to one of Washington’s darkest scandals is a glaring reminder of how she’ll always put her political interests first," Shah said. "No wonder Democrats and Republicans are so opposed to her candidacy. She's clearly not the kind of leader New Mexico wants in the Senate.” Indeed, Wilson has attracted opposition from some conservatives. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/03/heather-wilson-karl-rove-appear-together_n_871044.html

Pay No Attention to the Superrich Donors Behind the Curtain. http://motherjones.com/mojo/2010/10/pay-no-attention-superrich-donors-behind-curtain

There is a obvious element of chutzpah when a political operative defined by his use of dirty tricks accuses his opponents of the same. And perhaps, underneath the veneer of shock and anger, Rove is admiring the work the White House has done in turning a report on the Chamber's funding into partisan red meat. The fact remains, however, that a resolution to the debate is fairly obvious. Simply disclosing the names of who is donating to each of these institutions would clear the air and validate either Rove or the White House. But with a campaign finance law stuck in congressional limbo and hordes of potential donations at stake in this election, transparency has instead been replaced by innuendo. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/10/karl-rove-obama-chamber-of-commerce-enemies-list_n_757253.html

Crossroads Jam-Up. Conservative 'super PAC' makes false and misleading claims in a blizzard of ads. http://www.factcheck.org/2010/10/crossroads-jam-up/

He’s back! Charles Simmons, the man who bankrolled the Swift Boat campaign against John Kerry, is the primary funder of Karl Rove’s “grassroots” group that threatens to shake up this fall’s midterms. The billionaire Texas businessman who funded the Swift Boat attack on John Kerry is back in the saddle—along with a few other conservative money-men—bankrolling Karl Rove’s latest effort to win control of Washington for the Republican Party. American Crossroads, launched with fanfare as a “grassroots” group in March by Rove and former Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie, raised $3.4 million last month, according to forms submitted by the group to the IRS and examined by The Daily Beast. That’s by far the best monthly haul to date for the group, which aims to help GOP candidates this fall by running ads and talking to voters in Senate races across the country. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-07-23/karl-rove-group-funded-by-swift-boater-more-billionaires/

Newt Gingrich

Bankruptcy is Success! http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-gingrich-bankruptcy-20110127,0,4958969.story

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich said he fears that the United States is at risk because it doesn't have an adequate strategy for dealing with the war in Afghanistan or enough money dedicated to national security. "We're going to be mired down in this mess until we fix it," Gingrich told about 400 people Thursday at a World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth luncheon at the Fort Worth Club. "It's not going away. "At some point down the road, we are going to get hurt very badly because we are spending too much on welfare and too much on domestic things _ and not enough on national security," he said. "It is a very big risk we are running as a country right now." http://www.baltimoresun.com/health/sns-200910221800mctnewsservbc-gingrich-ft24893oct2,0,2416914.story

Frank Luntz advises Fortune 500 clients and has worked for politicians Rudolph Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg and Newt Gingrich. His latest book is "What Americans Really Want ... Really: The Truth About Our Hopes, Dreams and Fears." Frank Luntz is an idiot.

But the man who got the most votes as the man who ruined Washington was Newt Gingrich. It wasn't that the Georgia Republican who engineered the toppling of Democrats from power in 1994 deliberately undermined political civility; it was that the crop of legislators he helped into power came in under redistricting plans that virtually guaranteed safe seats, which granted politicians a newfound power to ignore the center. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-neuman22-2009sep22,0,2437636.story

Newt Gingrich, zombie politician. The former House speaker resigned under a cloud of dishonor and disgrace, but now the dead man talking walks among us again. At this point in the recession, you've probably become familiar with the term "zombie bank," a financial institution that can continue operating, thanks to government support, even though its debts outweigh its assets. Now it's time to add a related descriptor to our public discourse: "zombie politician." The term describes a political figure whose electoral worth is less than zero and whose ideas are totally bankrupt, but who can continue to offer up political guidance because he's kept on life-support by media-generated oxygen. Or if you prefer a shorter definition of a zombie pol, try this one: Newt Gingrich. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-cooper14-2009jun14,0,5845519.story

In designating Newt Gingrich the Republican Party's "ideas man" and suggesting that his ideas will rejuvenate the GOP, the media often ignore his frequent, and often egregious, falsehoods. http://mediamatters.org/research/200905120011

The truth is that you're living in a world that no longer exists. I, along with millions of Americans, clearly see the world the way it as -- and we embrace what it can be. You, on the other hand, seem incapable of looking for new ideas or moving beyond what worked in the past. Welcome to the 21st century, big bro. I can understand why you're so afraid of the energy that has been unleashed after gay and lesbian couples had their rights stripped away from them by a hateful campaign. I can see why you're sounding the alarm against the activists who use all the latest tech tools to build these rallies from the ground up in cities across the country. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/candace-gingrich/a-letter-to-my-brother-ne_b_145739.html

Summary: Discussing actions by individual protesters of Proposition 8, Newt Gingrich stated: "I think there is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us, is prepared to use violence, to use harassment. I think it is prepared to use the government if it can get control of it. I think that it is a very dangerous threat to anybody who believes in traditional religion." http://mediamatters.org/items/200811170014?f=h_clips

We recently launched American Solutions for Winning the Future, a unique non-partisan organization designed to rise above traditional gridlocked partisanship, to provide real, significant solutions to the most important issues facing our country. http://www.americansolutions.com/About/



Frank Luntz

Frank Luntz Withdraws University of Pennsylvania Scholarship Over Secret Tape. http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/04/frank-luntz-withdraws-pennsylvania-scholarship-after-secret-tape-leaks

The day after he got punked by a prank caller pretending to be right-wing billionaire David Koch, Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker met with prominent GOP pollster Frank Luntz in his Capitol office. The Feb. 23 meeting with Luntz was a secret to the public and press until this week, after a Milwaukee newspaper obtained Walker's calendars and revealed the meeting. Today, the Wisconsin Democratic Party will announce that it believes Walker broke the law by meeting with Luntz, a party rep tells Mother Jones. The party plans to file a complaint today with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board alleging that the advice Walker got from Luntz, the right's political messaging guru, amounted to something of value as defined by Wisconsin state statute and thus violated state ethics and political contributions laws. The Democrats point to state law that prohibits requesting political contributions in state-owned buildings, and bans any state officials from obtaining "financial gain or anything of substantial value" for their private benefit, their immediate family's benefit, or for an organization with which they're associated. "Scott Walker is using public buildings as cloisters to plot partisan gain," says Graeme Zielinski, a spokesman for the Democratic Party. "Wisconsin cries for better." Luntz, who reportedly paid his way to Madison, met with Walker and the governor's chief of staff, and had not done any polling for the governor, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. Walker's spokesman said the governor and Luntz had never met before. On the right, Luntz is the man behind the message. He described last year's much-needed financial reform bill as "a permanent bailout fund." (Which it wasn't.) He urged GOPers to paint President Obama's health care reform bill as a "Washington takeover." (Wrong again.) He also coined the phrase "death tax" to replace estate tax. In their fights against Democrats, Republicans have eagerly latched onto each of these Luntz-isms and more. And he likely offered Scott Walker, whose public support had begun to erode at the time of their meeting, some tips on how he, too, could rework his message. http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/03/wi-dems-walkers-frank-luntz-visit-broke-law

Frank Luntz, Fox News and faux science take on Obama. The group presented by Frank Luntz, not surprisingly, had even bigger problems. I say not surprisingly because the pollster has long been closely tied to the Republican Party and rigorous partisanship. Luntz is a master of wordplay who, among other things, helped Republicans devise their attacks on the healthcare reform legislation. Don't talk about a public option, he said. Call it a "government takeover." As the nonpartisan Politifact.com reported, Luntz wrote in a 28-page memo to reform foes: "Takeovers are like coups. They both lead to dictators and a loss of freedom." That gives you an idea where the Fox favorite comes from. Given his inherent credibility gap, Luntz might have begun his segment with Sean Hannity on Tuesday night by explaining a little bit about the 29 people he assembled in Atlanta. Where did they come from? What was their party affiliation? How did they feel about Obama before the State of the Union? He did none of that. Instead, the segment began with Hannity launching into his complaints about Obama, calling his speech "flat," uninspiring and disingenuous -- because Obama talked about cutting spending after the federal government ran up a huge debt fighting the recession. Being a man of precision and science, Luntz moved to make sure that statement didn't taint his impartial panel. "I don't want you to feel under pressure because of what Sean Hannity just said," he told the group. http://www.latimes.com/news/la-et-0127-fox-obama-mobile-version,0,5706525.story


Frank Luntz should be shrunk down to the point that we can throw him in the toilet, shit on him and flush him down.

The environmental community is "fighting the wrong battle," Luntz announced on Thursday at an event to mark the release of a new report by his polling firm, The Word Doctors, outlining strategies to help marshal public support for a climate bill. "The least important component of climate change is climate change." Luntz's report, "The Language of a Clean Energy Economy," finds that the majority of the public across the political spectrum is convinced that global warming is happening and caused at least in part by humans. But, Luntz says, talking about the problem won't win support for the legislation that would solve it. Among both Democrats and Republicans polled by his firm, addressing climate change was the least important reason to support a cap-and-trade policy. So what should environmentalists say instead? Luntz suggests less talk of dying polar bears and more emphasis on how legislation will create jobs, make the planet healthier and decrease US dependence on foreign oil. Advocates should emphasize words like "cleaner," "healthier," and "safer"; scrap "green jobs" in favor of "American jobs," and ditch terms like "sustainability" and "carbon neutral" altogether. "It doesn't matter if there is or isn't climate change," he said. "It's still in America's best interest to develop new sources of energy that are clean, reliable, efficient and safe." http://motherjones.com/mojo/2010/01/gop-pollster-luntz-tells-enviros-stop-talking-climate

Contrary to polls, Luntz claimed IN, NE, AR voters "do not want" heath care reform. http://mediamatters.org/research/200911080007

Rick Reed, the co-producer of the infamous Swift Boat ads

The Foundation for a Secure and Prosperous America (FSPA) http://www.secureandprosperous.com/about.shtml


DAVID HOROWITZ is a nationally known author and lifelong civil rights activist. He was one of the founders of the New Left in the 1960s and editor of its largest magazine, Ramparts. In the 1970s he created the Oakland Community Learning Center, an inner city school for disadvantaged children that was run by the Black Panther Party. In the 1990s he created the Individual Rights Foundation, which led the battle against speech codes on college campuses, and compelled the entire “president’s cabinet” of the University of Minnesota to undergo five hours of sensitivity training in the First Amendment for violating the free speech rights of its students. In 1996 he was a spokesman for the California Civil Rights Initiative, which barred government from discriminating against “or granting preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.” This year he has joined Ward Connerly’s campaign to pass a Racial Privacy Initiative. This is an anti-racial profiling initiative that would prevent government agencies from asking citizens about their race. David Horowitz is an outspoken opponent of censorship and racial preferences, and a defender of the rights of minorities and other groups under attack -- including the rights of blacks, gays, women, Jews, Muslims, Christians and white males.




Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist is insane

We need to shrink the Republican Party down to the size where we can throw it in the toilet, shit on it and then flush it away.

Grover Norquist Republican national chairman

Downsizing government to death. Thanks to 'E. coli conservatism,' weakened government watchdogs have put us all at risk. "Government is not the solution to our problem," President Reagan famously declared in his inaugural address in 1981. "Government is the problem." Many conservatives have gone far beyond that. Their traditional embrace of small government has been replaced with outright disdain for it. Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, doesn't just want to shrink government. To use his words, he wants government "down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." Once in power, E. coli conservatives shrink government by hamstringing it. They weaken rules that protect people, slash the budgets of consumer agencies and appoint industry friends to oversight commissions. The result: Some government regulatory agencies that we trust to protect us have shrunk to insignificance or serve private industry rather than consumers. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-op-lotke20-2008jul20,0,1958019.story

Grover Norquist aka Gomer Norkwist http://www.atr.org/home/about/index.html http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Grover_Norquist#Biography

Tea Baggers

Trump’s latest scandal: draft-dodging. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theticket/20110429/ts_yblog_theticket/trumps-latest-scandal-draft-dodging

I've got some news, we're taking names, We're waiting now for the judgment day. Krista Branch believes that she is America. And You aren't. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/07/krista-branch-i-am-americ_n_638596.html

Donald Trump's F-Bomb Attack. http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/04/donald-trump-vegas-profanity-speech

How to Defeat Liberalism via the 2010 Elections. Tea Party Nation (or TPN) is a user-driven group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, Secure Borders and our Country! http://www.teapartynation.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network http://www.nationalteapartyconvention.com/

Andrew Breitbart

James O'Keefe's Breakthrough: memoir of a merry prankster. The rightwing activist who made his name 'punking' progressive organisations is a lively raconteur, but not a self-knowing one. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jul/07/james-okeefe-breakthrough-memoir


Former San Diego ACORN worker, Juan Carlos Vera will receive $100,000 in a settlement from federal criminal and professional liar James O'Keefe, after being secretly video-taped in violation of California law by the Rightwing propagandist. The tape was just one in a series of similar videos, all deceptively edited as part of his 2009 ACORN "pimp" hoax series. http://www.bradblog.com/?p=9909#more-9909

"He [Breitbart] said he would like to find a way for me to get paid to publish the videos," testified O'Keefe. O'Keefe gave details about the payout. He testified that before the San Diego undercover taping, Breitbart first saw undercover ACORN videos from the East Coast and wanted to see more. "Now we have evidence for the first time, Breitbart agreed in advance to participate in the violation of California law," said Gene Iredale, Vera's attorney. O'Keefe said he was eventually paid $65,000 by Breitbart to blog about the video. Vera's attorneys now plan to file suit against the estate of Breitbart, who recently died of heart failure. http://www.10news.com/news/deposition-reveals-payout-for-undercover-acorn-video

Hannah Giles settles ACORN suit. James O'Keefe left alone to stave off allegations he violated worker's privacy. Hannah Giles, the prostitute who posed as a right-wing activist in a series of undercover videos aimed at discrediting the nonprofit ACORN has settled a lawsuit filed by a worker who alleged that she violated his privacy rights. http://www.sdcitybeat.com/sandiego/article-10785-hannah-giles-settles-acorn-suit.html

James O’Keefe: ‘History Will Absolve Me! Also Send Cash!’ Read more at http://wonkette.com/505186/james-okeefe-history-will-absolve-me-also-send-cash

James O'Keefe To Pay $100K Settlement To Former ACORN Employee. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/03/07/report-james-okeefe-to-pay-100k-settlement-to-f/192958

All of this has led to speculation that Breitbart may have had a drinking problem. The source for this belief seems to be this video, in which a disheveled, unsteady Breitbart slurs out his opinion on the media. Of course, even if he was drunk at that event (which was held in a bar, after all), it doesn't follow that he was drunk at any other times.[25] A far more likely culprit was oxygen deprivation caused by having his head up his ass for so long. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Andrew_Breitbart#What.27s_his_problem.2C_anyway.3F

Breitbart: Second Thoughts. In any political conflict between extremists and non-extremists, the non-extremists start with one serious disadvantage. They tend to be conflict-averse. Moderate-minded people tend naturally to be people of moderate temperament. When they encounter rage, hate, and paranoia, they flinch. Extremists, on the other hand, delight in conflict. Simply by being louder and nastier, they bully the non-extremists into silence, acquiescence, or exit. Which happens to be the recent history of the Republican party. - See more at: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/03/02/breitbart-second-thoughts.html

Conservative activist James O'Keefe and his associate Hanna Giles will face a lawsuit from a former ACORN employee featured prominently in their 2009 undercover sting video, after a federal judge refused to throw out the case. According to Courthouse News, U.S. District Judge M. James Lorenz decided last week that a breach of privacy claim from Juan Carlos Vera, a one-time employee of ACORN's office in National City, Calif., had merit. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/15/james-okeefe-lawsuit-acorn_n_1782949.html

Deposition Reveals Fraud and Payout For Undercover Video that Helped Bring Down ACORN. James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles – Andrew Breitbart Disciples – Deposed In Civil Suit Filed By Former ACORN Worker. http://obrag.org/?p=59614

Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart was no respecter of the maxim that one shouldn't speak ill of the dead: After the death of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in 2009, he spewed venom all over the liberal lion's grave via Twitter, calling him a "special pile of human excrement," a "villain" and other things we can't reprint on a family website. So I don't have any qualms about remembering Breitbart, who died suddenly Thursday at 43, as a closed-minded bully and blowhard who seemed to think he could win debates by shouting louder than his opponent rather than having a better argument, a casual liar who shamelessly destroyed reputations and an unfortunate new species of Internet parasite. http://opinion.latimes.com/opinionla/2012/03/breitbart.html

He's a good Republican http://motherjones.com/mojo/2012/03/andrew-breitbart-death-occupy-criticism

Is It An Underage Sex Slave Ring, Or A Hoax? Either Way, Planned Parenthood Calls The FBI. In the course of five days this month, eight Planned Parenthood clinics in five states and D.C. reported getting the same visit: A man said he needed treatment for a sexually transmitted disease and then, once alone with a staff member, implied that he ran an interstate sex trafficking ring that involves minors and illegal immigrants. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America thinks that the visits, which happened between Jan. 11 and 15, are part of a James O'Keefe-style "sting." But the group called in the FBI anyway. "These multi-state visits from men claiming to be engaged in sex trafficking of minors may be a hoax," Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder last week. "However, if the representations made by this man are true," she wrote, they indicate violations of several sex trafficking, prostitution and child sex laws. A spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood would not reveal the identity of the man, or men, who visited the clinics. The group does, however, suspect he has ties to Live Action, the pro-life, anti-Planned Parenthood group run by O'Keefe associate Lila Rose. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/is_it_a_underage_sex_slave_ring_or_a_hoax_either_w.php

In two posts on Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment website, Dr. Kevin Pezzi smears Shirley Sherrod as a racist, claiming that "if someone deserves to be put on a pedestal for overcoming racism, it isn't Sherrod." The racism criticism is ironic coming from Pezzi, who has repeatedly used racial epithets like "Japs" and "Chinks," and claimed Native and African Americans should have been grateful for their subjugation by whites. Pezzi, who says that "Breitbart asked me to write for BigGovernment.com," has a peculiar self-described history. Pezzi claims to be responsible for "over 850 inventions" and schemes such as a "magic bullet" for cancer, a "robotic chef," and sexual inventions like "penile enlargement techniques" and "ways to tighten the vagina" (because "men like women with tight vaginas"). Pezzi has started multiple websites, from term paper helpers to a sexual help site that answers "your questions about sexual attraction, pleasure, performance, and libido" (Pezzi is qualified to do so because "No doctor in the world knows more about sexual pleasure than I do"). Pezzi also claims to have "beaten Bill Gates" on a math aptitude test, turned down a blind date with Katie Couric, and says he's "bigger than some porno stars." http://mediamatters.org/blog/201008050030

Breitbart wants us to ignore his racism. http://www.onthemedia.org/transcripts/2010/07/23/06

never trust Breitbart, he's a liar.

It seems that Breitbart couldn't care less about what nonsense he pushes so long as it is picked up by the media in what he deems a timely manner. The interview concluded with a grossly dishonest comment, even for Breitbart. Responding to a question about what "else folks should know about" him, Breitbart began his response by saying: "Believe it or not, one of my primary motives on this planet is to stop this racism, and to stop the Democratic Party's use of race that divides us intentionally." http://mediamatters.org/blog/201007240006

Andrew Breitbart is worse than Goebbels in creating The Big Lie. http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/07/20/andrew_breitbart_needs_to_apologize/

Based on what appears to be selectively edited footage, Andrew Breitbart falsely suggested that Shirley Sherrod said that, in her former position with the USDA, she had discriminated against a white farmer. In fact, Sherrod's statements in the video corroborate her statement that the story she was discussing is 24 years old. Moreover, Sherrod says that the video took her remarks out of context to omit that she was actually telling story about her work to get "beyond the issue of race." http://mediamatters.org/research/201007200047

Fox News

Glen Beck

Perhaps Soros is immune to vilification. He seems to take a perverse pride in being the eternal outsider who “belongs to no club or associations.” But there is a danger that goes beyond George Soros in Beck’s demagoguery. Beck’s breathtaking ignorance of recent history might be laughable if it were not for one thing. He commands a huge audience of people who must surely trust him to know what he is talking about. My Hungarian grandparents did not survive the Nazis, and my parents were jailed by the communists. I can still hear my father saying, “It always starts with words. Words matter.” http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-11-13/glenn-becks-attacks-on-george-soros

What's with Glenn Beck's fascination with Nazis? Fox News' Glenn Beck says liberal philanthropist George Soros was complicit in "sending Jews to the death camps" – even though Soros escaped the Holocaust as a young Jewish teenager. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Election-2010/Vox-News/2010/1113/What-s-with-Glenn-Beck-s-fascination-with-Nazis

Glenn Beck's '9-12' logo based on communist and socialist designs. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/culturemonster/2009/09/glenn-becks-912-logo-based-on-on-communist-and-socialist-designs.html

Beck says that all he meant by "reclaim the civil rights movement" was that he wanted "people of faith" to 'reclaim" the movement, from "politics." (He also says that as someone born in 1964 and in the Pacific Northwest, he couldn't have been a part of the Civil Rights movement.) When Wallace points out that the Civil Rights movement was one about economic justice, Beck says that he doesn't agree with that "part" of it. Wallace seems to have come prepared with actual history, but Beck's basically immune to all of this, because this whole movement of his is essentially a lot of warmed over lectures about "believing in yourself," and "having a shot." Wallace asks after Beck's famous accusation that Obama is a racist, and asks if he feels as if he has any credibility talking about civil rights. Beck reiterates that all he means by "civil rights" is that "people of faith that believe you have an equal right to justice, that is the essence, and if it's not the effing essence, then we have been sold a pack of lies." So, we can have a mosque, please, in Lower Manhattan? As for the comment itself? Beck says that he didn't, at the time, understand the influences on Obama, and he didn't understand his theology or his viewpoint, and he "miscast it as racism," but really it's "liberation theology," which of course, Beck thinks is even worse! Wallace points out that Beck had called Obama's faith a "perversion" and asks Beck, "Who made you the God Squad?" Beck says nobody made him the God Squad (but that the God Squad hates liberation theology!) He says, "Most Christians would look at collective salvation" as a perversion, but that he's a Mormon, so who is he to say what Christians say, except for this particular moment when he's on teevee. (Meanwhile, LOTS OF CHRISTIANS PROSELYTIZE BECAUSE IT'S SEEN AS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THEIR OWN SALVATION. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/29/tv-soundoff-sunday-talkin_16_n_698273.html

I Had a Nightmare. Glenn Beck is the anti-King. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/28/opinion/28blow.html?ref=opinion

America is better than Glenn Beck. For all of his celebrity, Mr. Beck is an ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure. On the anniversary of the great 1963 March on Washington he will stand in the shadows of giants — Abraham Lincoln and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Who do you think is more representative of this nation? Consider a brief sampling of their rhetoric. Lincoln: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” King: “Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter.” Beck: “I think the president is a racist.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/28/opinion/28herbert.html?ref=opinion

Glenn Beck's Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close to Having a Body Count. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-boehlert/glenn-becks-incendiary-an_b_660429.html

General Fascists

James O’Keefe's plans derailed by infighting, lack of funding. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1111/68628.html#ixzz1eGdOrrMC

Judge Refuses To Dismiss Former ACORN Worker's Lawsuit Against O'Keefe and Giles. Last year, James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles were sued by former San Diego ACORN worker Juan Carlos Vera for allegedly illegally taping their confidential conversation. This lawsuit came after O'Keefe's and Giles' claims that ACORN workers systematically assisted them in trying to set up a purported child prostitution ring were exposed as a hoax. After having his conversation with O'Keefe and Giles, Vera reportedly contacted California law-enforcement officials (actions that put the lie to suggestions by O'Keefe, Giles, and their patron Andrew Breitbart that no ACORN workers refused to help them with their scheme). The lawsuit contends that by taping their talk with Vera, O'Keefe and Giles violated a California law that prohibits people from recording confidential communications without the consent of all parties to the communication. This week, as law professor and blogger Eugene Volokh noted, a federal judge denied motions by both O'Keefe and Giles to have the lawsuit thrown out. O'Keefe had argued that the California statute was unconstitutional under the First Amendment. Giles contended that because she was not the one actually taping the conversation with Vera, she could not be held liable under the statute. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201105270019

Lawyers for O'Keefe's partner in the ACORN sting, Hannah Giles, a prostitute in the videos, are arguing that Giles shouldn't be held responsible because she wasn't the one doing the actual recording. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201103170023

When conservative political activist James O'Keefe released the 11-minute edited version of his secretly recorded video of then-NPR chief fundraiser Ron Schiller slamming conservatives, O'Keefe also posted what he says is the entire two hours' worth of video his undercover team collected. "Judge for yourself" whether he produced a fair and balanced 11-minute version, O'Keefe said last Tuesday when his tapes hit the Web. As NPR's David Folkenflik says on Weekend Edition Sunday, conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck's website The Blaze has done some judging and concluded that O'Keefe did make some misleading edits. The Blaze wrote Thursday that some things O'Keefe did were "editing tactics that seem designed to intentionally lie or mislead about the material being presented." For instance, The Blaze says that in the edited tape "NPR exec Ron Schiller does describe Tea Party members as 'xenophobic ... seriously racist people.' " But, it notes: "The clip in the edited video implies Schiller is giving simply his own analysis of the Tea Party. He does do that in part, but the raw video reveals that he is largely recounting the views expressed to him by two top Republicans, one a former ambassador, who admitted to him that they voted for Obama. "At the end, he signals his agreement. The larger context does not excuse his comments, or his judgment in sharing the account, but would a full context edit have been more fair?" The Blaze has also put together a medley of "What You Didn't See" in the edited tape that might add context: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/03/13/134495929/questions-raised-about-okeefes-editing-of-npr-sting-video

The Twisty, Bent Truth of the NPR-Sting Video http://tunedin.blogs.time.com/2011/03/13/the-twisty-bent-truth-of-the-npr-sting-video/

That's the James O'Keefe approach to journalism -- few facts, less shame, and no apologies. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201010040028

Ben Wetmore at the Leadership Institute in Arlington, Virginia

James E. O'Keefe III (born June 28, 1984) age 26, attained the highest rank, Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.

Hannah Giles [the ACORN video 'prostitute']

leading young fascists Lila Rose, Christian Hartsock, Ryan Sorba, and Jason Mattera. http://mediamatters.org/strupp/201009290034

Fake pimp from ACORN videos tries to 'punk' CNN correspondent. http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/09/29/okeefe.cnn.prank/index.html

O'Keefe's probation conditions. drug testing. refrain from alcohol. may not posses a fire arm. http://www.politico.com/blogs/joshgerstein/0910/OKeefes_probation_conditions.html

The Lies of James O'Keefe. http://mediamatters.org/research/201009290035

Project Veritas was founded by James O’Keefe. The mission of Project Veritas is to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. We will accomplish this by: * Launching specific journalistic investigations and widely publicize the results. * Conducting training workshops to teach others how to become modern-day muckrakers. * Creating a method for the public to alert journalists of issues and institutions that need to be investigated. Project Veritas is a 501(c)3, it does not intend to advocate specific resolutions to the issues that are raised through its investigations, nor does it intend to encourage others to do so. Our goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues.

Christian Hartsock, executive director of Project Veritas, Izzy Santa; and two conservative activists, Ben Wetmore of New Orleans and Jonathon Burns of St. Louis, Missouri, Santa's attorney, Christopher Markham

As a woman in the news industry you have to be tough. I have always had to work harder than my male counterparts to be taken seriously and to be treated with respect. As a woman in the news industry you have to ignore all of the silly talk from your managers about the clothes you should wear on-air or what color your hair should be. I have had my share of conversations like that, and to be honest, it stings. I'm left wondering, "When will my work stand on its own? Why does this always have to be part of the conversation?" Recently, I was the target of a failed punk. James O'Keefe, the so-called "pimp" in the ACORN expose videos, was participating in a detailed plan to "faux" seduce me on his boat. For months, I had been working on a documentary about the young conservative movement. James had called me about concerns he had regarding an upcoming shoot. He asked me to meet him to talk about the shoot. I agreed to fly to Maryland and then drive to his "office" for a face-to-face conversation with him. When I showed up, there was no office, as promised. Instead, he wanted to get me on a boat, which we later learned, was staged as a "pleasure palace." One of his colleagues, Izzy Santa, who was in Maryland that day, told me about the plan and stopped the punk before it happened. Izzy told me he had "strawberries and champagne" waiting for me on the boat, and that he planned to "hit on me" the entire time. She said it would all be captured on hidden cameras that had been set up on the boat and in the back yard. She said the sole purpose of the "punk" was to embarrass me, and to make CNN look bad. I would soon learn the details of the plan, in a 13-page document titled, "CNN Caper." http://siu.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/29/our-documentary-takes-a-strange-detour/

AP highlights the role of Fox News' Megyn Kelly in hyping the New Black Panther story. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201007260026

Fox News is Lies. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-07-22/does-fox-news-fuel-the-tea-party/

FOX News is not news! http://mediamatters.org/strupp/201007210065

Fox News' "Quality Control" Problem (Part VII) Unemployment. http://mediamatters.org/press/releases/201007010022

Coulter explains why she is "trying to associate [Obama] with Saddam Hussein?": "Because I think it's funny" http://mediamatters.org/research/200802150002

Conservative videographer James O'Keefe and three co-defendants pleaded guilty Wednesday to entering federal property under false pretenses for a January incident in which they tried to tamper with the phone system in the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu. O'Keefe, 25, and co-defendants Joseph Basel, 24, Robert Flanagan, 24, and Stan Dai, 25, were each fined $1,500, placed on probation and ordered to do community service, according to a Department of Justice statement. The four were arrested in January after Basel and Flanagan posed as telephone repair workers to get into Landrieu's office. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/05/26/louisiana.videographer.guilty/index.html

I just hate that Hillary Clinton. She's soooo deceitful.

double babble.

Secret Sarah hiding behind her 14foot fence. She's got a lot to shield. But she can't see Russia from her porch anymore.

U.S. Attorney Steps Down From O'Keefe Case. James O'Keefe, accused of trying to tamper with the phones of Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, was "framed" by the media and the U.S. attorney's office, Andrew Breitbart, publisher of BigGovernment.com, told Fox News Monday. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/02/01/breitbart-defends-okeefe/

Judge Orders 25-Year-Old O'Keefe To Live With His Parents. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/01/judge_orders_alleged_phone_tamperer_okeefe_to_live.php

Yesterday, conservative activist James O'Keefe was arrested for allegedly plotting "to wiretap Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu's office in downtown New Orleans." O'Keefe was arrested along with Stan Dai, Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan. http://mediamatters.org/blog/201001260052

Police report filed by ACORN exposes false claims by individuals behind videos. http://mediamatters.org/research/200909170031

Hannah Giles prostitute nude photos

James O'Keefe. http://biggovernment.com/author/jokeefe/

O'Reilly's campaign against murdered doctor. The Fox News star had compared Tiller to a Nazi, called him a "baby killer," and warned of "Judgment Day" http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2009/05/31/tiller/

From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death. I've never met a soldier who didn't love this president and this country, and I've met a bunch of them, at home and abroad, in hospitals and in theater. At Walter Reed, Bethesda Naval Medical Center, and the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, I have visited dozens of patients, and I always ask of them before I leave: "What do you want to do when you get out?" No matter how broken or burned, or how many limbs they are missing, they give only one answer: "I want to go back. I want to rejoin my team, to finish our mission." They are rightfully proud of what they have done and want nothing more than to be with their brothers and sisters in arms, because they know the consequences if their job is left unfinished. Right here on American soil, we will end up with unqualified people having to do the job they have been doing over there so incredibly well, and with such extraordinary compassion. The fact is, Americans in America have been safe since 9/11, almost the whole length of G2's term as president, and for that we should be thankful. http://mediamatters.org/blog/200905080016

Media verdict is in: Fox News driving force behind tea parties. Summary: Like local media across the country, major national news outlets noted that Fox News was a driving force behind the April 15 tea parties. http://mediamatters.org/items/200904170028?f=h_latest

Audioclips of Bill O'Reilly reading his bad porno novel. Thanks to Al Franken, we all know that Bill O'Reilly wrote a terrible pornographic novel in 1998. Now the Village Voice's head garage-sale nut has digitized a bunch of choice clips from the audiobook (read by O'Reilly), including "Say baby, put down that pipe and get my pipe up," "Cup your hands under your breasts and hold them for ten seconds," and "Cunnilingus involves the lips and tongue." http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/archives/2009/03/off_with_those.php

Stupid and callous as that may sound, it's the sort of proclamation that helped O'Reilly "succeed in life." In fact, this sort of non sequitur is the most powerful rhetorical device in O'Reilly's part of the ideological spectrum. O'Reilly's real function is to say out loud, on television, this sort of thing -- and get away with it. His fans don't argue; they hate argument or discussion on principle. They simply glory in the fact that O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh have found a way to blurt out their long-nursed spite on national TV and get away with it -- in fact, "succeed in life" by doing it. So, the raw boasting that characterizes this book is something that O'Reilly's nameless fans can share, knowing that O'Reilly's success, such as it is, represents the fact that their long-choked spite has at last found its voice. O'Reilly's notorious catchphrase, "Shut up!" isn't by any means a mere eruption of bad temper; it's his ideology. His version of conservatism, which he calls "traditionalism," emphasizes silent obedience. He proudly recalls learning the habit of not discussing important matters as a child: "My folks knew what was happening in the world, but did not feel compelled to comment." http://www.alternet.org/mediaculture/116389/the_bizarre_life_and_angry_times_of_bill_o%27reilly_/

Sean Hannity: Media Matters' 2008 Misinformer of the Year http://mediamatters.org/items/200812170007?f=h_top

Rush Limbaugh, Republican national chairman

Limbaugh's the whore

“No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady. Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.” http://www.carbonite.com/en/blog/A-Message-from-Carbonite-CEO-David-Friend-Regarding-Ads-on-Limbaugh

Who listens to Rush Limbaugh? Sarah Palin says he is the most entertaining and informative person on the radio. What's the difference between a hockey mom and a slut? nothing.


the bottom line is that Limbaugh has made the world a worse place by his presence and actions. Romney says that Limbaugh is an entertainer, what does that excuse? His idea of entertainment is hate and bigotry? He's a pice of filth too.

Rush Limbaugh is a hero to republicans, they worship him like a God. All republican candidates bow down to him for his approval.



When Arthur Eisel injured his back in a car accident in 2005, he started taking prescription medication, Percocet and OxyContin, for chronic pain, under a doctor’s supervision. Robby Eisel said he had been taking similar medications after he broke his arm on the job as a maintenance worker at a golf course. Soon, all three brothers were acquiring OxyContin illegally and sharing it. When supplies dried up and their dealer suggested heroin, they tried it and quickly developed an addiction. Rush Limbaugh is a strong proponent of OxyContin use. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/31/us/31border.html?pagewanted=3&em

Rush Limbaugh's race to the bottom. Bend over, grab your ankles and submit to a mind-blowing rundown of the radio bully's obsessive butt talk! http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2009/05/21/limbaugh_obsession/

Numerous conservative media figures have followed Rush Limbaugh's lead in making increasingly dire predictions about the consequences that policies sought by Obama and other progressives might have for the country. http://mediamatters.org/items/200904100033?f=h_top

Limbaugh Rooting for Planet to Explode. Could Help GOP, Radio Host Claims. http://www.borowitzreport.com/article.aspx?ID=6995

Since President Obama's inauguration, Rush Limbaugh has made numerous baseless and ominous claims warning of what will happen if the United States adopts either Obama's policies or those pushed by other progressives, often while invoking fears of rising socialism, communism, and tyranny. http://mediamatters.org/items/200904070011?f=h_latest

Rush Limbaugh Advertisers. http://papastraighttalk.blogspot.com/2007/09/rush-limbaugh-advertisers.html

Summary: In a Los Angeles Times op-ed, Andrew Klavan claimed he's "never heard" Rush Limbaugh "utter a single racist, hateful or stupid word," and offered a "[c]hallenge" to "liberals" to "[l]isten to the show ... and keep an open mind." However, Media Matters listens to Limbaugh everyday and has documented numerous examples of him spewing offensive commentary and basic misstatements of fact. http://mediamatters.org/items/200903290009?f=h_latest

Rush Limbaugh's Original & Updated 35 'Undeniable Truths' http://www.lectlaw.com/files/cur52.htm

Do Obama's Fans Really Want to Make an Issue of Opponents' Drug Use? http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MzJjY2IyNTMyMTc4YjA5MmNjNjI4OTJmZWFlN2IxMDQ=

Limbaugh on Drugs. People like Limbaugh should go to jail, says Limbaugh. http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1159

Greetings, LATimes.com readers, You may not realize it, but you are actually doing something now that the Drive-By Media consistently fails to do. You are actually reading what I had to say -- in context no less -- before forming an opinion on it. Congratulations! And I want to give a special thanks to Top of the Ticket for making this happen (and you should too). Rush Limbaugh http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/03/obama-limbaugh.html

We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. [Applause] We believe that 'the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth' that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life. [Applause] Liberty, Freedom. [Applause] And the pursuit of happiness. [Applause] Those of you watching at home may wonder why this is being applauded. We conservatives think all three are under assault. [Applause] Thank you. Thank you. We don't want to tell anybody how to live. That's up to you. If you want to make the best of yourself, feel free. If you want to ruin your life, we'll try to stop it, but it's a waste. We look over the country as it is today, we see so much waste, human potential that's been destroyed by 50 years of a welfare state. By a failed war on poverty. [Applause] We love the people of this country. And we want this to be the greatest country it can be, but we do understand, as people created and endowed by our creator, we're all individuals. We resist the effort to group us. We resist the effort to make us feel that we're all the same, that we're no different than anybody else. We're all different. There are no two things or people in this world who are created in a way that they end up with equal outcomes. That's up to them. They are created equal, given the chance - -[Applause] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preamble_to_the_United_States_Constitution http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/index.htm

How important is it to know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the preamble to the Constitution? and to quote from them?

Which leads to a question: Why not? I mean, come on, the guy's one of the figures of the age. Aren't you even curious? I listen to all your guys: NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, The Times, the New York Times, the New Yorker -- I check out the whole left-wing hallelujah chorus. Why are you afraid to spend a couple of hours listening to Limbaugh's show and seriously considering if and why you disagree with him? Let me guess at your answer. You don't need to listen to him. You've heard enough to know he's a) racist, b) hateful, c) stupid, d) merely an outrageous entertainer not to be taken seriously or e) all of the above. Now let me tell you the real answer: You're a lowdown, yellow-bellied, lily-livered intellectual coward. You're terrified of finding out he makes more sense than you do. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-klavan29-2009mar29,0,5456892.story

I listen to Limbaugh every chance I get, and I have never heard the man utter a single racist, hateful or stupid word. Do I always agree with him? Of course not. I'm a conservative; I think for myself. But Limbaugh, by turns insightful, satiric, raucously funny and wise, is one of the best voices talking about first principles and policy in the country today.

No rush to measure Limbaugh's ratings. There's no doubt he's talk radio's big fish, but precisely how big is really a guessing game. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-et-limbaugh9-2009mar09,0,1985632.story

Chip Saltsman, the former Tennessee state Republican chairman who ran Mike Huckabee's underfunded but shrewd bid for the GOP's presidential nomination. Saltsman now wants to be Republican national chairman, and, apparently as part of his campaign, he sent his associates a Christmas gift consisting of songs by the satirist Paul Shanklin. The title track, sung in a voice meant to impersonate Al Sharpton, is "Barack the Magic Negro." It parodies the president-elect as a black man acceptable to whites. Another song, "Star Spanglish Banner," disparages Latinos.

Shanklin, who first performed his parody on Rush Limbaugh's radio show (and they say ideologues don't have a sense of humor) said he was inspired by an Op-Ed article by David Ehrenstein that appeared in The Times this year. Saltsman, who as you can imagine has come in for a bit of criticism for his gift, now characterizes the column as "irresponsible." (We'll leave it to him to explain why he distributed irresponsible ideas.)

Tea Parties

Sarah Palin brews trouble for Tea Party, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article7017940.ece

I am 43 years old. Never in my lifetime can I think of a public figure who actually mocks people who disagree with her ("how's that hopey-changey thing working out for you?"). I really don't care whether she attended 5, 6 or even 10 colleges. One thing is clear: she never matured emotionally beyond high school. She is a "Mean Girl" if ever there was one. My god, I thought I had escaped them when I moved on to college, but here she is. http://washingtonindependent.com/75992/palin-speaks

'How's That Hopey, Changey Stuff?' Palin Asks. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=123462728&ps=cprs

Mrs Palin called President Obama's 2011 budget "immoral" and said it would raise the US debt. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8498688.stm

The complete Sarah Palin Tea Party speech video. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/conservative_groups/

Farah went on to urge tea party activists to think beyond winning congressional elections in November and “take over not only the political institutions, but the cultural institutions, like the press, the entertainment industry, the universities, and yes the churches.” “Are you ready to engage in a cultural war after we take back Congress?” “Yes!” the crowd yelled back. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/02/joseph-farah-to-cheers-at-tea-party-convention-again-questions-location-of-obamas-birth-.html

Plans underway for Reagan's centennial in 2011. Celebrations in D.C., California and Illinois will recall Reagan the president, the movie star and even the lifeguard. http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-na-reagan-birthday6-2010feb06,0,7967951.story

The GE Years: What Made Reagan Reagan. http://hnn.us/articles/32681.html

The Tea Party Movement. http://912dc.org/about/about-the-tea-party-movement/

Founded in 1984, FreedomWorks is headquartered in Washington, DC, and has hundreds of thousands of grassroots volunteers nationwide. The organization is chaired by former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey and the President is Matt Kibbe. FreedomWorks members know that government goes to those who show up, and are leading the fight for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom. Join us! http://www.freedomworks.org/about/about-freedomworks

Since it was founded over 35 years ago, the National Taxpayers Union's Number One job has been helping to protect every single American's right to keep what they've earned. Our guiding principle has always been: "This is your money and the government should return it to you." We are a nonprofit, non-partisan citizen group whose members work every day for lower taxes and smaller government at all levels. http://www.ntu.org/main/misc.php?MiscID=1

Grassfire.org Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 organization. Our goal is to impact key issues in our nation by equipping hundreds of thousands of citizens with tools that give our partners a real impact on issues. Through online petitions and breakthrough media efforts, Grassfire.org is building a proactive Alliance of conservative citizens who can make a difference in our nation. Grassfire.org is truly a grassroots organization. Our President, Steve Elliott, has a background in communications and public policy. He developed Grassfire while searching for a way to utilize the Internet to expand the impact of conservative and pro-family citizens. http://www.grassfire.org/index.htm

ResistNet.com is the official social network of Grassfire.org's Patriotic Resistance campaign. With Obama and the Democrats in Congress already embarking on the implementation of their agenda, Grassfire.org and hundreds of thousands of citizens across this nation unashamedly announce our Resistance. We will resist -- in a peaceful, patriotic way -- Obama's efforts to move our nation away from our heritage of individual liberties toward “brave new world” of collectivism. ResistNet is designed to give citizens a new level of networking resources to organize the Patriotic Resistance. http://www.resistnet.com/notes/FAQ_%28Facts_and_Questions%29

Our Country Deserves Better PAC is leading the fight to champion the Reaganesque conservatism of lower taxes, smaller government, strong national defense, and respect for the strength of the family as the core of a strong America. Our nation's future is at stake, and we must stand up to Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress. Considering Ronald Reagan to be his greatest political hero, Kaloogian not only served as member of the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, but he also went on to lead the Defend Reagan Committee. You can read an Op/Ed Mr. Kaloogian penned on the pro-Reagan committee's efforts. Sal Russo got his start in politics by working as a Special Assistant to Ronald Reagan. Mr. Russo has spent over 30 years in the field of political consulting and public affairs. He has been a senior advisor to several Republican presidential campaigns. Marine Mom Deborah Johns has helped give voice to many in the pro-troop movement. She has consistently took time away from her personal life to speak out with unwavering conviction on behalf of our military men and women and their families back here on the homefront. No wonder Fox News Channel declared her to be one of their favorite military moms. Lloyd Marcus is a passionate and patriotic American who has been a leader in the fight for common sense conservative values. A talented singer/songwriter, Mr. Marcus has been featured at numerous conservative events, such as the Gathering Of Eagles pro-troop/pro-veteran rallies. Joe Wierzbicki became a conservative at a very young age; his parents having taught him to gain reading proficiency by practicing on articles from the Wall Street Journal. The newspaper's pro-Reagan editorial bias rubbed off on his political leanings, and Wierzbicki's interest in politics was honed. Some events are life-altering, and you know when it happens. For Kelly Eustis, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 had that kind of impact. The attacks culminated a 20-year escalation of violence against Americans by Islamic radicals, and this inspired Mr. Eustis to become politically involved as a Republican activist, candidate, and advisor. Levi Russell has emerged as one of the brightest rising stars in the conservative movement. Levi recently helped lead the grassroots promotional team for the conservative comedy An American Carol. Levi was a key player in generating community and political support for the film and the creation of earned media opportunities via viral e-mail, political party websites, blogs, radio and television. In addition, he had a central role in the promotion and organization of multiple group theatre buyouts, group ticket sales, and other special events. Few individuals have earned the respect and acclaim for their work with Republican political campaigns as Betty Presley. Ms. Presley is routinely acknowledged by the media for her service as a campaign treasurer for Republican organizations. http://www.ourcountrydeservesbetter.com/index.html

Bureaucrash is an international network of activists, called crashers, who share the goal of increasing individual freedom and decreasing the scope of government. Through Bureaucrash Social, crashers connect and collaborate on ways to use guerrilla marketing and new media to introduce others to the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and free markets. In short, we fight for freedom. Bureaucrash Manifesto: We believe that individuals are sovereign and own their own bodies. We believe that every person has a right to make decisions about his or her own life, as long as those decisions do not directly harm other people. We believe that no person has a right to use force against another person – to steal what they have earned or threaten their body or property. We believe that when a government makes a new rule, it threatens to use force against someone (or everyone). We believe that when bureaucrats and politicians have the power to make arbitrary rules, they steal our choices. Therefore, we believe that if governments are to exist they should be small and just have the power to protect us from force and fraud. Because we believe that any other arrangement breeds corruption and gives other people (bureaucrats) power over us. Any other arrangement makes us all slaves to the bureaucrats. Lee Doren http://bureaucrash.com/

the Limbaugh Challenge


"Call Limbaugh's rants offensive, racist, extremist or just plain intellectually insulting, if it makes you feel better. I think it's more useful to understand him instead as a form of religious experience, one of the more dogmatic strain. He's a completely reliable inspiration and reinforcement for those who are embittered and battered and who confuse their natural allies for their enemies. He's an electronic opiate for the masses. For Limbaugh's audience is not a happy lot. They are completely convinced that an unholy coalition of liberals, homos, feminazis and overly entitled minorities are responsible for the mess of their own tiny, dead-end lives.

"But I will grant Limbaugh one slim glimmer of genius. Unlike similar demagogues (I'm thinking of Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity), Limbaugh makes no claim to be a little-guy populist. Instead, he's a perfect mouthpiece for the most elite portions of our society. He's a virile defender of wealth, privilege and greed. The rather fabulous trick he pulls off is to attract millions of little-guy listeners and make them believe that their interests are somehow the same as those of the jillionaires Limbaugh idolizes and celebrates." Marc Cooper Director of Annenberg Digital News at the USC Annenberg School for Communication

The contrarian idea that Franklin Roosevelt actually made the Great Depression worse found its traction on Limbaugh's show and quickly spread to cable news' talking heads. Laurie Ochoa Editor in chief, LA Weekly

I said, 'Oh God, if only I had been given a sense of humor like Mr. Klavan, maybe then I'd see the fun in wanting my president, six weeks in office, to fail in these treacherous times; or the hilarity in labeling as 'phony war veterans' those Iraq vets who lost faith in their leader and that war; or the giggles available in Limbaugh's incessant dumping on the preponderance of scientists, worldwide, who take global warming very seriously.'

"Then, again as you predicted, I 'widen[ed] my eyes and open[ed] my mouth in the universal sign of Liberal Outrage.'

"But here is what else I -- 'a lowdown, yellow-bellied, lily-livered, intellectual coward' -- have to say. I will fight with my life -- and I have done that -- to protect Mr. Limbaugh's right to speak. And your right also, Mr. Klavan, to carry on on his behalf. Which doesn't change the fact that El Rushbo suffers from extreme flatulence of speech, emotion and personality. The 'hilarious' El Rushbo is simply a pompous, self-worshiping blowhard and bully. And you, sir, Mr. Klavan, are silly." Norman Lear Writer, producer and founder of People for the American Way

"As yet another liberal, long-time listener, I've formed many opinions about Rush Limbaugh. He is a brilliant circus barker, the perfect cipher for cynics, a masterful agitator of paranoia and a beguiling oracle for the low-information cohort. I suspect that the only human he loathes more than "feminazis" and "limousine liberals" is himself. As with all malignant narcissists with a megaphone, he bears watching. Just think of him as the Father Coughlin of 2008." Constance L. Rice Civil rights attorney in Los Angeles

Duncan Hunter

Duncan Hunter, Fascist, hates America: “Liberals like everything about the struggle for freedom except the struggle.” http://www.beachblogger.net/bwtm/index.php?title=Hunter%2C_Duncan_Lee#Outrageous_audio_of_Hunter_justifying_the_war.2C_smearing_liberals

Nolan Finley

Nolan Finley's Blog. http://apps.detnews.com/apps/blogs/nolanfinleyblog/index.php

Your newspaper should be ashamed at your right winged bias. Nolan Finley sounds like any child that has been caught and exposed for bad behavior. He's as rude and ugly as the rest of his political constituents and he should have to follow the same rules as all of us with the name calling, but then again that's his party's greatest weapon. If they point the finger and scream and call names, then we the people will ignore the fact they've destroyed this country. They're the same people that wore school jackets and attended every pep rally. They make fun of anything different and bully their way through life, and if you disagree with them, they'll destroy you in order to feel better about themselves. They worship heroes blindly and are led like cattle. History defines this as fascism. Mr. Finley, you're disgusting and ethically and morally as bankrupt as the country you've helped make. From The Detroit News: http://apps.detnews.com/apps/forums/newstalk/lettersindex.php#ixzz0rQI37AEn


The crucial need for the 'War on Terror' For the sake of civilization, we should hope that a report of its death is greatly exaggerated -- terrorists must be confronted and defeated. America's war on terror is not a charm offensive, so winning the hearts of such people is probably a task best left to people like Dr. Aslan. Winning their minds, however, is within our grasp because even a terrorist understands strength. In the final analysis, national security is about being respected by the rest of the world, not being liked, which is why we chose to declare war on terror in the first place. For the sake of civilization itself, let us hope that Dr. Aslan's reports of the War on Terror's death are greatly exaggerated. Terrorists want war. ed http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinionla/la-oew-rice17-2009apr17,0,5809827.story

Condoleezza Coulter http://www.beachblogger.net/bwtm/index.php?title=Links_-_BUSH_and_CHENEY#Condoleezza_Rice

Dr. Jack Wheeler and To The Point. The Pro-America, Pro-Capitalist, Pro-Western Civilization "Intellectual Ammunition Service" for Defenders of Liberty. Do you ever feel that you're on information overload? Wish it was easier to sort it all out? http://www.tothepointnews.com/content/view/1117/90/


Corruption as Fascism





























fascist cartoons

Chuck Asay

Yeah, so Chuck Asay has called it quits. He’s pretty fortunate considering the “retire versus laid off" numbers in the editorial cartooning field. http://secotm.tumblr.com/post/54226535973/yeah-so-chuck-asay-has-called-it-quits-hes

And now he's going to return to his people: as soon as the flying saucer shows up! http://www.cagle.com/2013/06/hangin-it-up/#comment

what is with this guy? http://cartoonbox.slate.com/chuckasay/

fascist fox koolaid http://cartoonbox.slate.com/chuckasay/2007/04/14/

Chuck Asay was an editorial cartoonist for the Colorado Springs Gazette until his retirement in March 2007. Previously, he drew for the Taos News, Colorado Springs Sun, and briefly at the Denver Post.

other Fascists


The ghost of Ayn Rand reminds us that environmentalists want to KILL US ALL [cue music from Psycho] http://grist.org/article/the-ghost-of-ayn-rand-reminds-us-that-environmentalists-want-to-kill-us-all/

Earth Day: Environmentalists are Evil. http://hallingblog.com/earth-day-environmentalists-are-evil/


My opposition to the Bush Administration or America is an act of patriotism because freedom of expression is what America was founded on. Civil discourse and civil disagreement are the founding principals of this country. What many liberals are practicing today is hate speech. I have seen Janeane Garofalo in a speech call Republicans evil, Jessica Lange say that she despises President Bush, Al Sharpton compare President Bush to a gang leader and Ted Kennedy say the war in Iraq was made up in Texas and a fraud. To understand- just switch the word African American with the word Republican or President Bush. What would be the result if someone said that African Americans were evil? Many Liberals name call and make accusations with no factual basis. Some of these individuals would be sued for slander if their statements were made against anyone other than President Bush. Yet- Liberals say their right to speak is being infringed upon by Conservatives. This is spin at its greatest. Hate speech is not civil discourse! Liberals have the right to speak out and express their views(even hate speech)- however- Conservatives have a right to react to that speech. http://www.boycottliberalism.com/Toptenlies.htm

Thomas N. George- the Editor of BoycottLiberalism.com http://www.boycottliberalism.com/Editor.htm

Celiberal is one of the most desperately needed sites on the internet. Here at Celiberal, we present all those Hollywood celebrity liberals (hence, celiberal) that have nothing better to do than complain about America, our President, and the brave men and women defending our way of life. We do this to expose these celiberals for what we feel they really are – uninformed, misleading, money-hungry, two-faced, elitists who take unfair advantage of their popularity, and the media access it provides them, to express their controversial viewpoint. http://www.celiberal.com/theLists.php

Gathering of Eagles



Fascists on Flickr

Duncan DUKE Hunter http://www.flickr.com/photos/59568177@N00/

Gathering of Fascists http://www.flickr.com/people/41423273@N00/

malagent http://www.flickr.com/photos/malagent/ http://www.malagent.com/


Jonah Goldberg http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-bio-jgoldberg-b,0,5171727.blurb?coll=la-opinion-center

Jonah Goldberg http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-goldberg15may15,0,3962183.column?coll=la-home-commentary

Michael Reagan http://www.reagan.com/

Ruben Navarrette Jr. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/op-ed/navarrette/index.html






Candidate's controversial flier grabbing spotlight

Most voters in the San Diego Community College District probably don't know who John Edwards is, but he's making a name for himself in an unusual – some say offensive – way. The attention stems from a flier Edwards distributed at a recent board meeting. The handout also included a joke about how to deal with an Islamic terrorist, and this: “Any Democrat for congress is a vote for Nancy; who is just two heart beats away from President. I want to drink a beer on the beach. Farm animals are food; farmers may make money. If my girl makes a baby, I want to be there before an abortion (murder, if late term).”


Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Redneck? Here is a little test that will help you decide.

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife and charges at you.

You are carrying a Glock pistol, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

Democrat's Answer:

Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor! Or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it? Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children? Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me? If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me? Should I call 9-1-1? Why is this street so deserted? We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior. This is all so confusing! I need to discuss with some friends over a latte and try to come to a consensus.

Republican's Answer:


Redneck's Answer:


Click..... (sounds of reloading)


Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?"

Son: "You got him, Pop! Can I shoot the next one?"

Wife: "You are not taking that to the taxidermist!"


In the Fever Swamp of the Radical Wingnuts

By Gavin McNett, AlterNet, Posted on September 26, 2007, Printed on September 26, 2007


The next time you find yourself inhabiting a quiet moment, listen closely and you'll be able to hear a clattery drone off in the distance. That's our right-wing opinion media, hammering and sawing away at another of those weird Trojan-animal contraptions they're always building -- another giant rickety thing with off-square corners and oval wheels, emblazoned with some slogan like "supporting our troops" or "defending marriage." They're planning to wheel it innocently up the hill, whereupon America will open the gates and let it in -- and you know how the story always goes from there.

It's always something new with those people. To switch metaphors abruptly, I cover what you might call the waterfront -- the dank and fishy between-realm that divides life as we know it from the vast sea of unexamined prejudices, of blind enthusiasms and angry yawpings that make up the right-wing urge in America. I write mostly about conservative pundits and bloggers, and mostly about the danker, fishier ones at medium-traffic blogs and at conservative news sites such as Townhall, WorldNetDaily, and Newsmax.

The denizens of these sites are widely read by conservatives, especially by base-type conservatives who also consume products like Rush Limbaugh's show, but they seldom reach a mainstream readership, although they'll occasionally turn up, for instance, as guests on cable news shows, identified by a caption, like "conservative columnist" or "conservative blogger," that avoids any specific claims of expertise. That's because they're mostly howling idiots.

There are two reasons that I follow them. The first is that, being idiots, they're easy to make fun of. The second reason is more practical as well as more personally salutary: Minor right-wing pundits are like what the biologists call an "indicator species": By watching how they react to their environment, you can get a good sense of what's happening in the major conservative media.

Right-wing messaging in America works very differently today than it did in the Reagan era, when the modern conservative movement was fairly new and unseasoned. The obvious change is that it's become more opaque and top-down, more rigorously focused and spin-controlled. But there's also been a more substantive shift in that conservatism since Reagan has learned not to admit to the public what its real policies are.

Rather than, for instance, arguing for the elimination of New Deal social programs, today's message machine will slap together rickety claims of a Social Security crisis and have its yawpers run around scaring people, offering as the cure a "saving Social Security" plan that coincidentally means privatization. Rather than arguing, in time-honored GOP fashion, that the wealthy should pay less taxes, conservative yawpers will run around advocating an "IRS reform" to simplify the complicated tax forms that we all hate filling out -- coincidentally by eliminating graduated tax rates. In short, conservatism now functions by fooling the public with a succession of Trojan horses -- as well as Trojan rabbits, pangolins, tapirs, and whatever other animal serves their aims (including donkeys in the case of Joe Lieberman). The hammering and sawing of their constructions is ceaseless and ever-puzzling.

You can see this in the way today's upper-tier conservative pundits ply their trade. Characters such as David Brooks, and Mike Gerson owe their success to a strange, carefully cultivated Mr. Magoo quality: Instead of coming out and saying what they're trying to say, they make bad-faith, extremist arguments as though continually by accident, making it seem as though they arrive at each new Republican policy prescription by cluelessly walking over see-sawing planks, up freight elevators and along a series of moving girders.

A wonderful example of the genre is Brooks's July 24 New York Times column, "A Realty-Based Economy," in which he strings together an astonishing chain of economic errors and cherry-picked statistics in order to decide that the Bush economy is -- if you forget partisanship and look at the facts -- perking along famously. Another is Gerson's August 17 Washington Post column, "What History Taught Karl Rove," which struggles to make it seem as though Gerson, a former Bush speechwriter and a consummate White House insider, had only just encountered Rove on Rove's way out of the White House, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his former boss was actually "the opposite of a cynical political operator" and a champion of "the little guy."

Among the many variants of this style is that of the nominally liberal columnist (such as Thomas Friedman or Richard Cohen) who finds himself continually forced by events to repeat conservative talking points and express disdain for his fellow liberals -- message: "This hurts me more than it hurts you." When executed well, this routine can be repeated weekly for an indefinite number of years. The equivalent on the moderate right was until recently epitomized by the Times op-ed columnist John Tierney, a self-identified libertarian who was largely indifferent to the subject of liberty, and instead produced a relentless stream of gee-whiz columns in which he'd happen across something new to deregulate or privatize, such as the space program or Central Park, or would learn of a new argument against environmentalism, women, global warming research, those crazy kids today, non-Republican politicians, or (just in time for the election) the idea of voting. At the end of last year, Tierney moved downstairs to the Times' science section, where his current beat, more or less, is to help champion corporate-sponsored junk science.

Such performances, of course, demand a certain indifference to the notion of truth (i.e., high-level conservative columnists often don't believe what they're saying), and a cavalier attitude toward looking like an idiot (i.e., they never expect to fool all the people, all the time). And in both respects, these pundits have a lot in common with a certain class of lawyer -- for instance, mob lawyers, who enjoy a great practical advantage from their willingness to say or do anything, fair or foul, that helps move their arguments forward. But also, in the same way, conservative pundits need to have a great deal of intelligence and situational cunning in order to stay on-message and to know what they can get away with from one column to the next. And as you move down the scale from the best-connected and highest-paid ones, through the medium players like the Charles Krauthammers and Peggy Noonans, past the Thomas Sowells and Cal Thomases, ever downward toward the pickle-barrel solons at the National Review Online and the Weekly Standard -- indeed, down through the bottom of the barrel and into the pickle-soaked dirt beneath -- the intelligence and cunning falls away in stages, and you're able to see the same conservative arguments-of-the-week made ineptly, by bozos who know very well what they're supposed to be for or against but don't have a clue how to make it seem reasonable to sane Americans.

Like the Young Republicans at the Rick Santorum rally who tried to support 2005's Strengthening Social Security plan by chanting "Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho, Social Security has got to go," it's easy to track the disinformation shell-game by watching these people, because they're essentially honest: As true-believers, they see their job as spreading the received wisdom that they get from the GOP message mains, and in contrast to slick word-splitters like Gerson, will happily take conservative arguments to their natural, but completely ridiculous conclusions. It's one thing, for instance, when Harvey Mansfield of the Harvard Department of Government appears in the Wall Street Journal editorial section trying to float the notion of a president's inherent dictatorial powers during wartime. But when Mark Noonan of Blogs For Bush gives his version of the same argument, literally advocating a return to a 13th-century model of government with George Bush as king, the Unitary Executive Theory is, in effect, prancing around on the front lawn in its underwear, with jammy hands and a Kool-Aid moustache. Having experienced Noonan, one may never again picture Harvey Mansfield with his pants on.

Another reliable failure-artist is Debbie Schlussel, a bottle-blonde, lip-glossed entity known to her detractors as the Costco Coulter. Schlussel is a Detroit-area race-baiter of the increasingly common reverse-backflip variety (i.e., a Jewish conservative who employs classic anti-Semitic narratives against Muslims) who sells herself to the cable shows as a Middle East expert in order to push right-wing scare-narratives about The International Muslim Conspiracy. (They're plotting to enslave the world by, among other things, outbreeding white people.) This has become a popular belief among right-wingers, and Schlussel has managed to carve out a niche for herself by rushing to blame spectacular crimes, disasters, or unexplained loud noises on The International Muslim, riding on the initial confusion of the event and then letting the truth sort itself out on its own time.

An apotheosis of sorts came last April, when she jumped into the middle of the developing coverage of the Virginia Tech massacre (which was committed by a Korean-American, Seung-Hui Cho), trying to claim that the word "Asian," as applied to the assailant, was a liberal-media code-word for "Paki," and that shadowy Islamofascists were somehow behind the shootings. The liberal media was, of course, willfully covering for these terrorists, as part of its well-documented plan to weaken America's resolve by broadcasting enemy propaganda -- and so on, and what-have-you.

The episode ended in high drama, with Schlussel screaming ethnic slurs in all-caps, and finally deleting the post and all its comments, claiming that she was "spending too much time monitoring the slimy comments from the Nazi-infested Media Matters for America cretins." (An updated version of the original post survives here.) You imagined her collapsing on the floorboards that night in a warm puddle of spilled Stoli, muttering against the cruel Muslim moon as a Sarah McLachlan CD skipped in the player.

It's tempting to dismiss Schlussel as a fruitcake simply because she's a fruitcake. But she's actually not even the worst fruitcake of that type (that would be the shriektastic Pam Oshry of the blog, Atlas Shrugs) -- and in fact, Schlussel's conclusions are entirely rational, given the Trojan horse that was built to sell the War on Terror. What Schlussel believes is simply what the Bush administration has been trying to make all Americans believe since 9/11: That everything changed on that day, that global Islamism is planning to take over the world, and that America is constantly threatened by terrorist enemies inside and outside its borders -- moreover, that we're in a 'generational war' against terrorism in which Iraq is the central front, and that our enemy there is mostly "the people who attacked us on 9/11" (i.e., Al Qaeda). Additionally, progress in Iraq is ongoing, and Republicans are keeping us safe from terrorism while Democrats want to capitulate to the enemy. The overall message, underneath the administration's careful qualifications and trimmings, is simple, raw fear.

Let that Trojan horse in, and what comes swarming out is not only Schlussel, but also colder, less histrionic forms of fear that are even more dangerous. Another lurker at the threshold is Charles Johnson of the major right-blog Little Green Footballs, whose mission is to search the world press every day for stories of Muslims doing or saying something angry or threatening, in order further to prove that Muslims need to be wiped from the earth before they destroy Western Civilization. Historical context is provided by Gates of Vienna, a newly-influential and thoroughly wacky site run by a character called Baron Bodissey, who proclaims a 'long war' between civilization and Islam that's been going on since the Crusades. (Perhaps a similar long war has been going on all this time between France and England, in which case the Chunnel was an incredibly stupid idea, not to mention allowing Euro Disney to be erected behind French lines.) A major player in the field of crackpot right-wing media criticism is Bob Owens, a.k.a. Confederate Yankee, whose niche is in proving, via incredibly detailed, cheese-paring arguments, that any given piece of bad news from Iraq and other Mideast hot-spots is faked, and that any given media figure or organization is secretly working for the terrorists.

Or, in other words, that if the reality in the Mideast seems uncongenial, then a new one can be researched into being in which everything Bush says is true.

Of course, this is nothing like a comprehensive sampling. But if you go across the spectrum, covering all the major conservative issues loony by loony, you start to see this ethos of fear coalesce into a cohesive and rational worldview -- one that's shared, according to these sites' readership statistics, by at least a couple of hundred thousand Americans on the internet: In order for civilization to survive, America needs to suspend the Constitution when convenient; silence the media when they say things you don't agree with; round up leftists, illegal immigrants, and especially Muslims; attack and conquer most of the Middle East, starting with Iran (perhaps with nuclear weapons); and then start dealing with North Korea and probably China and/or Europe, either by force or threat. What you get, in other words, is perpetual bloodthirsty paranoia, and an ideal of perpetual war waged by an American dictatorship.

Which is, of course, pretty appalling right there, but the most striking thing you find is the way the ethos of fear recurses, the way it feeds on itself and expands to fill all available emotional space. Perhaps the greatest of all the right-wing sub-pundits is Stu Bykofsky of the Philadelphia Inquirer, the author of the definitive wingnut text of 2007, the column that dared to say what the multitudes were thinking, but could not admit: "To Save America, We Need Another 9/11." Quod Bykofsky:

America's fabric is pulling apart like a cheap sweater. What would sew us back together? Another 9/11 attack. The Golden Gate Bridge. Mount Rushmore. Chicago's Wrigley Field. The Philadelphia subway system. The U.S. is a target-rich environment for al Qaeda. Is there any doubt they are planning to hit us again? If it is to be, then let it be. It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America's righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail. Amen, brother. The only thing we have to fear is ... you know, forgetting how freaking terrified we're supposed to be -- because if we do, we might stop opening the gates and rolling all those weird and shoddy wooden animals in.

Gavin McNett writes and does graphics in the Boston area, and contributes

to the weblog, Sadly, No!

Christo Fascists

The Bible

Psalm 109 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20109&version=KJV

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Most Americans are not like Antonin Scalia. We just get The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times. We used to get the Washington Post, but it just … went too far for me. I couldn’t handle it anymore…It was the treatment of almost any conservative issue. It was slanted and often nasty. And, you know, why should I get upset every morning? I don’t think I’m the only one. I think they lost subscriptions partly because they became so shrilly, shrilly liberal. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2013/10/18/most-americans-are-not-like-antonin-scalia/?tid=pm_politics_pop

Justice Scalia says Thomas Jefferson was irrational. The 75-year-old Scalia said that today one can believe in a creator and the teachings of Jesus without being the brunt of too much ridicule, but that to hold traditional Christian beliefs that Jesus is God and He physically rose from the grave is to be derided as simple-minded by those considered leading intellectuals.... In Washington, Scalia said, the pundits and media couldn't believe in a miracle performed under their noses. "My point is not that reason and intellect need to be laid aside," Scalia said. "A faith without a rational basis should be laid aside as false. ... What is irrational is to reject a priori the possibility of miracles in general and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in particular." ThinkProgress's Ian Milhiser rightly observes, "the clear implication of Scalia's statement appears to be than all non-Christians -- or approximately two-thirds of the world's population -- are 'irrational.'" http://scienceblogs.com/tfk/2012/03/justice_scalia_says_thomas_jef.php

Alliance Defense Fund

This election is of overwhelming importance, not only for the presidency, but for other offices as well. The next president might appoint up to three Supreme Court Justices, to be confirmed by the Senate, who could affect our nation’s destiny for decades. Activist judges with their own agenda can loose a flood of immorality, override the will of the people, criminalize Christian speech and practice, and bring our nation under the judgment of God. http://zeal.com/ADF/FreeExercise.html

Alliance Defense Fund http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/main/default.aspx

American Family Association (www.afa.net)

American Values (www.americanvalues.org)

Coral Ridge Ministries (www.coralridge.org)

Family Research Council (www.frc.org)

Focus on the Family (www.iVoteValues.org)

The Foursquare Church (http://www.foursquare.org/articles/404,1.html)

High Impact African-American Churches (http://www.thehopeconnection.org )

The Presidential Prayer Team (http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/ )

WallBuilders http://www.wallbuilders.com/

Campus Crusade Military Ministry

The Six Pillars of Military Ministry Guiding us are six strategic objectives…the “six pillars of military ministry”… which describe our ministry today and point the way to where we are headed tomorrow.

  • Pillar 1 - Evangelize and disciple enlisted U.S. military members throughout their military careers.
  • Pillar 2 - Build Christian military leaders and influence our nation for Christ as a result.
  • Pillar 3 - Stop the unraveling of the military family and provide Christ-centered solutions for those suffering from the destructive effects of combat trauma, and especially PTSD.
  • Pillar 4 - Arm troops in harm’s way with spiritual resources. Provide Bibles and devotional materials to chaplains and directly to troops.
  • Pillar 5 - Wage Christian outreach, discipleship and training on the Internet to military members across the world.
  • Pillar 6 - Change continents for Christ. Train, equip and support indigenous military leaders as they build Christian ministries in their own nations.

PO BOX 120124
Newport News, Virginia 23612-0124
General email: info@milmin.org
Main number: (757) 928-7200
Fax: (757) 247-7507
Toll free: (800) 444-6006

Contact Military Ministry leaders by email:

  • Executive Director, Major General Robert F. Dees, US Army (Ret)
  • National Ministries Director, Colonel Chuck Macri, US Air Force Reserve
  • International Ministries Director, Reverend Paul Pettijohn
  • Chief Operating Officer, Colonel Joe Rodriguez, US Army (Ret)
  • Chief Development Officer, Mr. Michael McCandless
America Supports You

America Supports You is a Department of Defense program dedicated to connecting members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families with individuals, groups, and businesses from the community who want to support and encourage our military men and women. America Supports You currently lists more than 275 non-profit groups that are devoted to helping our service men and women. These groups provide a multitude of services, including financial assistance, sending care packages and letters, and helping our wounded warriors. http://www.americasupportsyou.com/AmericaSupportsYou/other_support.html

Stripes part of America Supports You audit

Newspaper’s funds used for DOD’s public relations program under review by IG

View the July 2006 documents here.

ARLINGTON, Va. — The Defense Department Inspector General’s Office has widened its review of America Supports You to include Stars and Stripes, Defense officials said.

In May, The New York Times reported the inspector general was looking into whether America Supports You moved money improperly.

Since then, the review has prompted two audits, one of which is looking into American Forces Information Service and the office of the assistant secretary of Defense for public affairs, “[t]o determine whether management has established proper segregation of duties and effective internal controls”; the other is looking at how America Supports You is accomplishing its mission, according to two letters from the inspector general’s office.

Founded in 2004, America Supports You is a DOD program that gives publicity to nonprofit groups that support U.S. troops. Both America Supports You and American Forces Information Service — the parent organization for Stripes — are headed by Allison Barber, deputy assistant secretary of Defense for public affairs.

Part of the review involves looking at expenditures from Stars and Stripes for America Supports You, said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman.

Whitman declined to discuss specifics, nor would he release information on any Stars and Stripes expenditures connected to America Supports You because the matter is under review.

But documents obtained Friday show that Stars and Stripes awarded a $499,000 purchase agreement in July 2006 for a public relations firm to represent America Supports You.

“Stars and Stripes (S&S) requires assistance in planning ongoing national and international multimedia event campaigns and related work products for promotion its efforts to support the forces deployed including the collateral involvements with the Office of the Secretary Defense America Supports You Program,” the agreement states.

One of the tasks the document outlines for Susan Davis International is to develop “[m]edia strategy, message and outreach for communications nationwide in markets and in overseas areas of military deployments and operations.”

It also calls for “innovative campaign elements” to link Americans at home with deployed servicemembers.

“This incorporates the requirement for innovating big picture visibility with coverage and communications to troops via internal DoD media vehicles, S&S newspaper, plus greater S&S and America Supports You campaign visibility and penetration via grass- roots regional events stateside and salute events in forward-deployed areas of operation,” the document reads.

Stars and Stripes’ top editors said Friday that they were trying to determine why the newspaper was involved with America Support You’s media strategy.

“This causes extreme concern among the editorial staff, and could cause readers to question our objectivity as an editorially independent newspaper — an unacceptable situation,” Executive Editor Robb Grindstaff and Managing Editor Doug Clawson said in a joint statement Friday.

The two also said Stripes editors and reporters were not involved with America Support You’s public relations effort, and they will conduct a review of all the paper’s stories written about America Supports You.

“We were aware of some interaction between S&S marketing department and ASY, but were appalled to learn the degree of involvement and the use of Stripes finances to fund the Pentagon’s public relations campaign,” they said.

The editors said they are reviewing further documents and information on this matter and will “continue to follow the story.”

Stripes’ involvement with America Supports You predates the documents obtained Friday.

Steven Wade, a former contracting officer for Stars and Stripes, said he awarded about $100,000 in contracts for America Supports You a few years ago. Wade said the money went to buy dog tags and arm bands.

“They initially asked me to do some big thing, but that was way over my limit, man,” Wade said after being contacted by the paper.

Wade said he awarded the contracts at the behest of Barber, who went through Tom Kelsch and Max Lederer, then Stripes publisher and chief operating officer, respectively. Kelsch left the newspaper in September and was replaced by Lederer as acting publisher.

Barber, Kelsch and Lederer declined to comment or deferred to Whitman.

Whitman stressed that Stars and Stripes is fully reimbursed for any expenditures it makes for America Supports You, including registering the domain name for the America Supports You Freedom Walk Web site.

“The people involved in this don’t believe that they’ve done anything that is improper, but because this is a program that has to be absolutely transparent, above boards and beyond reproach, is why the assistant secretary asked the IG to take a look at it because he wants any public affairs program to be held to the highest standard,” Whitman said.


American Bible Society

The Mission of the American Bible Society is to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so all people may experience its life-changing message. http://www.bibles.com/absport/news/

Family Life

Our Mission: To effectively develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time. http://www.familylife.com/about/default.asp

RBC Ministries

Mart De Haan, President http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBC_Ministries

Our mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all. Our vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family. http://www.rbc.org/about/mission.page

Bob McClellan




David Barton and Rick Green

Wallbuilders or Mythbuilders http://www.christianethicstoday.com/issue/003/Wallbuilders%20or%20Mythbuilders%20By%20Nicholas%20P%20Miller_003_17_.htm


Jerry Falwell

"The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way—all of them who have tried to secularize America—I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.' "



Tim LaHaye

The Council for National Policy

CNP is an educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We do not lobby Congress, support candidates, or issue public policy statements on controversial issues. Our over 600 members include many of our nation's leaders from the fields of government, business, the media, religion, and the professions.

Our members are united in their belief in a free enterprise system, a strong national defense, and support for traditional western values. They meet to share the best information available on national and world problems, know one another on a personal basis, and collaborate in achieving their shared goals.









Ron Nehring



American Center for Law and Justice

In addition to Congressman Hunter, the ACLJ represents 19 other members of Congress: Todd Akin, Gresham Barrett, Eric Cantor, Michael Conaway, Barbara Cubin, John Culberson, Phil Gingrey, Jack Kingston, John Kline, Kenny Marchant, Patrick McHenry, Mike McIntyre, Gary Miller, Marilyn Musgrave, Randy Neugebauer, Joseph Pitts, Todd Tiahrt, Dave Weldon, and Lynn Westmoreland. The ACLJ also represents Advocates for Faith and Freedom, a California-based non-profit law firm.



Saddleback Church

  • God is bigger and better and closer than we can imagine.
  • The Bible is God’s perfect guidebook for living.
  • Jesus is God showing himself to us.
  • Through His Holy Spirit, God lives in and through us now.
  • Nothing in creation “just happened.” God made it all.
  • Grace is the only way to have a relationship with God.
  • Faith is the only way to grow in our relationship with God.
  • God has allowed evil to provide us with a choice, God can bring good even out of evil events and God promises victory over evil to those who choose him.
  • Heaven and hell are real places. Death is a beginning, not the end.
  • The church is to serve people like Jesus served people..
  • Jesus is coming again.


Family Research Council

The Family Research Council (FRC) champions marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. FRC shapes public debate and formulates public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, FRC promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society.

American Family News Network



Cornwall Alliance

God, the Creator of all things, rules over all and deserves our worship and adoration.


Exclusive: The Oily Operators Behind The Religious Climate Change Denial Front Group, Cornwall Alliance http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2010/06/15/cornwall-alliance-frontgroup/

Resisting the Green Dragon
David Barton, WallBuilders
Dr. Michael Farris, Home School Legal Defense Assn.
Bryan Fischer, American Family Association
Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
Bishop Harry Jackson, Hope Christian Church
Dr. Richard Land, Southern Baptist ERLC
Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family
Dr. David Noebel, Summit Ministries
Janet Parshall, National Radio Host
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council
Dr. Frank Wright, National Religious Broadcasters
Wendy Wright, Concerned Women for America
The False World View of the Green Movement Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Rescuing People from the Cult of the Green Dragon Dr. Peter Jones
Logos vs. Mysticism: Environmentalism’s Flight from Reason Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi
From Captain Planet to Avatar: The Seduction of Our Youth Dr. Michael Farris
A Brief History of Environmental Exaggerations, Myths and Downright Lies Dr. Steven Hayward
Putting Out the Dragon’s Fire on Global Warming Dr. David Legates
How “Going Green” Impoverishes You, Your Church, and Your Society Hon. Becky Norton Dunlop
Ravaging the World’s Poor Dr. James Tonkowich
The Green Face of the Pro-Death Agenda: Population Control, Abortion and Euthanasia Dr. Charmaine Yoest
Threats to Liberty and the Move Toward a Global Government Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
A Biblical Guide to Genuine Creation Stewardship Dr. James Tonkowich
Go Therefore and Make Disciples: Advancing the Gospel in a World Permeated by Environmentalism Dr. Peter Jones

